Wingnut Wrapup

I want to start here with a comment a Republican Senator made during the Horowitz hearings today:

"Isn't the lack of evidence in itself evidence? The lack of evidence of bias is not evidence that there was no bias."  

No, and it's not evidence that Santa Claus does not exist, or that Obama is not the antichrist, either.  It is, however, evidence that a massive Inspector General investigation could find no bias in the efforts to unmask Trump's treason.

Now, before beginning today, I feel it necessary to make a comment.  As some of my readers may know, I have been following the right wing in this country for about half a century now.  When I first started, the sort of thing that might make it into Wingnut Wrapup was little more than an irrational curiosity that existed only on the very fringes of our political world. That has all changed now.  At this point, the entire Republican party has given itself up to a unified, and utterly false, view of reality in which all Democrats are satanic pedophiles out to dominate the world, Republicans of the Donald Trump ilk are great patriots despite openly selling the country out to our greatest enemy, any effort to help anyone other than the already rich is a malignant plot, our most long-term allies are really committed to destroying us, equality is a Communist plot, there are no rights other than the right to whatever you can pay for, and on and on.  When you read what is below, it will no longer seem like some strange vision from a mirror world, but the constant product of all Republican leaders, spreading these lies in concert.  That takes a lot of the fun out of seeing this mountain of grotesque lies.

Town Hall:  "On Monday afternoon, Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz released his highly-anticipated report into the origins of the Russia/Trump investigation, as well as possible FISA abuses.  Both political parties are claiming vindication, with much of the media parroting the pro-Democratic spin, per usual."
"Parroting the pro-Democratic spin," i.e. saying what is actually in the report, rather than screaming out the endless Republican distortions.
Guy Benson, Town Hall:  "Yes, Ukraine Meddled in Our 2016 Election. That's Not a Baseless 'Conspiracy.'
Yes, it is, Guy, which you know perfectly well, unless you take the word "baseless conspiracy" to mean one that doesn't help Republicans lie their way into the White House again.

Here, by the way is Guy's grounds for this lie:
"Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office."
In other words, for stating the obvious truth, that he was grotesquely unfit to be our President.  Speaking the truth is questioning Trump, and clearly nobody who is not a Republican (or a Russian) has the slightest right to speak the truth.  And, luckily for the non-truth, no Republican in recent memory has had any interest in the truth.
Julio Rosas, Town Hall:  "Fox News Swats Down James Comey's Claim His Appearance on 'Fox & Friends' Was Canceled"
If by "swats down," you mean "lies about it."
Matt Vespa, Town Hall:  "DOJ IG: FISA Application for Spy Warrants Against Trump Official Riddled with Errors"
Of course, Matt does not seem to be concerned that it also totally destroyed all the Republican lies about the investigation of Trump.  That is not important, but clerical errors are vital.
Julio Rosas, Town Hall:  "'This Was an Attempted Overthrow': Trump Holds Nothing Back After IG Report Is Released"
Trump holds no lie back...what a surprise.
Katie Pavlich, Town Hall:  "AG Barr: IG Report Makes Clear the FBI Launched an Invasive Investigation on Thinnest of Suspicions"
Barr does not make that clear, because it is a gigantic lie.  Barr did claim that, but that does not make it true.
Cortney O'Brien, Town Hall:  "GOP Rep Introduces Motion Against Witness After His Character Assassination of Trump..."The witness has used language which impugns the motives of the president and suggests he's disloyal to his country and those words should be stricken from the record and taken down," (GOP Rep. Mike) Johnson said."
I.e. the witness told the truth, and therefore his answers should be stricken from the record on the remote chance that any Trump supporter should hear about what he said, in between the relentless din of Republican lies.
Bonchie, Red State:  "Happy Receipt Day: Here’s a Reminder of the ‘Conservatives’ Who Insisted FISA Abuse Was a Conspiracy Theory"
A Republican claim which was totally rejected by Trump's own apppointed IG, but you would never know that from reading the right wing press.
Elizabeth Vaughn, Red State:  "Former DOJ Official: Durham’s Statement Means “He’s Got the Goods on Somebody”
Let's just ignore the exhaustive Inspector General's report that totally destroys Trump's claims, and pretend that some sort of cryptic statement from another investigator who has said nothing in public, means that Trump was right.
Brandon Morse, Red State:  "Daisy Ridley May Have Just Hurt the Next Star Wars Film by Denigrating Trump Supporters"
Just thought I'd throw that one in, as a reminder of how little it takes to set Republicans off on a whining jag.
Nick Arama, Red State:  "IG Report: Steele Briefed Reporters, Met With Clinton Lawyers, Asked FBI About Announcing Investigation Into Trump Team"
All of which was completely legal and proper, but will still serve as an excuse for Republicans to boil over with indignation.
Nicholas Ballasy, PJ Media:  "Pelosi and Nadler Voted Against Clinton's Articles of Impeachment"
See, if you voted to acquit the innocent, it is a crime if you don't vote to acquit the guilty.  Particularly when the innocent guy was a Democrat and the guilty one was a Republican.
Matt Margolis, PJ Media:  "Five Times Obama Put Conditions on Foreign Aid and Democrats Didn’t Care"
Because Obama's conditions were to promote the interests of the country, not himself.
Victoria Taft, PJ Media:  "Trump on IG Report: 'This Was an Attempted Overthrow... We Caught ‘em Red-Handed'
Just an out and out lie from Trump. Nothing to see there.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "During Impeachment Announcement: Serial Liar Adam Schiff Accuses Trump of Cheating to Win 2016 Election — A COMPLETE LIE!"
No Jim, a complete truth.  What would a Wingnut Wrapup be without a visit from the Stupidest Man On The Internet?
Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "IT’S OFFICIAL: Mueller Targeted the Four Individuals Deep State Illegally Spied On – Carter Page, General Flynn, George Papadopoulos and Paul Manafort"
Flynn-Convicted.  Papadopoulis-convicted.  Manafort-convicted. Page- the Mueller report never got the evidence from the Trump administration.  See, Joe, that is what investigators do: target the guilty.  Maybe nobody ever told you that.
Gateway Pundit:  "WATCH: Rep. Greg Steube GOES OFF On Partisan Democrat Lawyer Barry Berke During Monday Impeachment Hearing"
I'm including this item as a perfect example of how the right wing propaganda machine works.  Their dupes never see a shred of the actual testimony, just a lying rant delivered by a Republican totally denying the evidence right in front of them.
Art Moore, Renew America:  "Horowitz: Obama FBI misled court to spy on Trump campaign"
And another example of the same thing.
Hans van Spakovsky, Daily Signal:  "Liberal law professors at hearing fail to make case for impeachment"
And more of the same.  Don't get the answers you wanted, just tell your stupid, ignorant followers that you did.  By the way, let's not forget that Hans van Spakovsky is a right wing religious loon, and one of the worst vote suppressors in Republican history.  Not a nice guy.
Joe Saunders, Western Journal:  "Lindsey Graham: Report shows FBI ran a 'criminal enterprise' against Trump"
More lies from Lindsey.  Once again, if the real investigation doesn't turn up what you wanted, just lie and say it did.
Thomas Lifson, American Thinker:  "Horowitz offers sound bites to Dems, facts to Republicans"
More of the same lies.  If you are a right winger, it is coming at you from a thousand sources today.
Washington Examiner:  "ANALYSIS: Durham's Russia origins investigation looms over Horowitz FISA report"
The Horowitz investigation proved that Trump was lying, so let's give the Republicans a chance to hire someone even sleazier to "find" the evidence Trump wants.  After all, that's the tactic that worked with the corrupt right wing hatchet man Ken Starr, after the first Republican investigator found nothing wrong with what Clinton did. 
Matt Abbot, Renew America:  "'Our Lord...could not grow in the womb of a sinner'"
Who the fuck cares?
Peter Lemiska, Renew America:  "Explaining the impeachment yawn to befuddled Democrats"
In fact, impeachment is the number one concern expressed in real polls by Americans, half of whom want him removed from office.  You will not be surprised, I am sure, that Peter has absolutely no facts of any kind to back up the Republican claim that Americans are not interested in seeing this criminal held responsible for the systematic misuse of his power.
Larry Klayman, Renew America:  "Why I sued for George Zimmerman?"
Because you are a lying scum who will do anything to get attention or bilk wingnuts of their money.  Like all of your lawsuits, Larry, it will be thrown out of court, but not before you can use it to fatten your bank account.
Joel Pollack, Breitbart:  "Adam Schiff Fails to Show Up at Impeachment Hearing"
A hearing of the Judiciary committee, of which he is not a member.  If he had shown up, Republicans would be screaming that he was desperate for attention and attempting to swing the vote.
“The star witness failed to show up!” exclaimed Ranking Member Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA)."
Schiff was, of course, not a witness at all, and whatever knowledge he has of Trump's treason is included in his committee's report.
World Net Daily:  "Rush Limbaugh: Despite Pelosi's denial, Democrats DO hate Trump"
If they don't they are crazy. 
Jack Davis, Western Journal:  "Nadler accused of treason as protester crashes impeachment hearing: 'Americans are sick of your impeachment scam'
Protester...and Infowars host.  If you believe the Sandy Hook shooting was fake, the government did 9-11 and controls the weather, maybe you should believe this.
Monica Showalter, American Thinker:  "So Obama knew all along about the FBI bid to spy on his rival...Obama stands exposed."
Exposed of what? Of investigating a traitor who conspired with a foreign dictator to cheat his way into the Presidency?  Boy, that sure is a crime.
Monica Showalter, American Thinker:  "Trump trolls the left on Impeachment Day, intentionally meeting with Russia's Lavrov"
Because that is the President's job- trolling the left.  And selling the country out to Putin.
Jeff Poor, Breitbart:  "Grassley on IG Findings: If FBI Could Violate Trump’s Constitutional Rights, It Could Happen to Anybody in America"
Of course, the IG found that the FBI did not violate Trump's Constitutional rights, but so what?
Charlie Spierling, Breitbart:  "Promises Kept: Donald Trump Celebrates Life Goal of Replacing NAFTA"
Oh, grow up, Charlie.  Trump probably never heard of NAFTA before he ran for President, didn't have a clue what was in it, and didn't give a damn about it unless he could make money off of it.
Newstarget:  "We are all George Zimmerman now"
I believe that, guys.  You would all like to go out and murder a few innocent black teenagers.

And let's just go out on a couple of nice Christmas posts:
Ethan Huff, Newstarget:  "Merry DEMONIC Christmas: Walmart, Target, and Amazon all sell books that teach children as young as five how to summon demons"
A good trick, being as how there are no such things as demons.
Lloyd Marcus, American thinker:  "Trump makes Christmas about Jesus again"
Fuck you, Lloyd.  Just fuck you.  What do you think the real Jesus will have to say about that claim when you meet him on judgment day?

Well, this is one day when I could go on and on virtually forever.  But I think you've got the idea already.


Magpie said…
"Walmart, Target, and Amazon all sell books that teach children as young as five how to summon demons."
Is this one of those things where it's okay if you're over 21?
Raquel Welch once played a demon... will I get one like that?
Green Eagle said…
As long as they don't start selling the Necronomicon, it's okay with me.

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