Wingnut Wrapup- Impeachment Edition

Yes, an abbreviated Wingnut Wrapup devoted to the reaction from the right to Trump's impeachment, on the day after it happened.  They usually have a lag of two or three days before they really get up to speed on things like this, so there will certainly be more, and worse, but here's  a pretty good sample of the graciousness with which they have accepted the current application of the will of their blessed founding fathers:
Katie Pavlich, Town Hall:  "Mark Levin: Nancy Pelosi's Latest Impeachment Stunt Is Brazenly Unconstitutional..."Nancy Pelosi was apparently advised by leftwing Harvard law professor Lawrence Tribe to delay sending the impeachment to the Senate. So she’s unilaterally sitting on the impeachment. This is another brazen unconstitutional act," Levin wrote Thursday morning on his Facebook page."
Ha ha, Constitutional law scholar, and the most vicious right wing talk show host out there, Mark Levin, telling us that the greatest expert on the Constitution in the country doesn't know what he is talking about.  And what to do about this savaging of our precious Constitution?
"Here’s what Mitch McConnell and the Senate Republicans must do in response: The Senate has the sole power under the Constitution to adjudicate an impeachment. Therefore, Pelosi is attempting to obstruct the Senate’s power to act on its constitutional authority. McConnell should immediately put an end to this and declare the impeachment null and void as the speaker has failed to complete the impeachment process by timely sending it to the Senate for adjudication" 
Nothing in the Constitution about timely sending, of course, except in the part written in invisible ink that only wingnuts can read, but really, Levin's suggestion isn't any worse than the way the Republicans intend to act anyway.
Cortney O'Brien, Town Hall:  "Former Florida AG Pam Bondi, who's helping represent Trump during the impeachment trial, mused that the speaker just wants to withhold those articles because "she wants to say for a bit longer" that Trump has been impeached."
Nancy Pelosi can say that Trump has been impeached until the end of time, Cortney.  Deal with it.  And let's not forget that this is the same Pam Bondi who dropped fraud charges against Trump in return for a campaign contribution.

Now, let's take a break for some right wing humor, shall we?
Bet you got a chuckle out of that, huh?  By the way, given how the last several Republican Presidencies have worked out, this might actually be a good idea.
Chris Stigall, Town Hall:  "When Inspector General Horowitz was called to testify before the Senate last week...Horowitz was also repeatedly asked to explain what he found related to political bias within the agency that led to flagrantly abusive behaviors and violated policies.  Again and again, Horowitz demurred.  Frankly, it was hard to watch."
It was hard to watch that their own hand picked inspector general could not find a thing to substantiate their conspiracy theories.
"All honest people know a phony, baseless political document paid for by Trump’s political opposition was used as justification to trick a court into granting permission to spy on the Trump campaign."
Or to be more direct, all dishonest people, since that has been proven to be a lie.
Matt Vespa, Red State:  "Constitutional Crisis? Pelosi Threatens to Withhold Impeachment Articles from Senate Republicans"
It's not a Constitutional crisis when their guy tries to turn the country into a dictatorship, but it is one when the Speaker waits a couple of days before passing a piece of legislation on to the Senate, in an act mentioned nowhere in the Constitution.
Nick Arama, Red State:  "Trump Laughs At Impeachment At Michigan Rally: ‘I’m Having a Great Time’
Because he is positive that corrupt Senate Republicans will crush any attempt to remove him, no matter how criminal his behavior is.  That is a thing of pride to Trump supporters.
Stu Cvrk, Red State:  "The Clintons have a long habit of not admitting past criminal behavior and then, when caught, doing everything possible to weasel out of accountability through delays, prevaricating, and legal maneuvering"
Of course, we all know who has that habit. Just a reminder that it's all about someone else.  And projection.  There's always the projection.  This is from an article claiming that indictments against Hillary for who knows what are going to happen any day now, despite there being absolutely no evidence of such a thing happening.  And face it, with Barr as Attorney General, it is a real possibility.
Streiff, Red State:  "The Left and NeverTrump Creates Yet Another Fake Controversy Over a Dead Democrat Joke"
Because, what could ever be wrong about a taunt about a recently dead Democrat?

And how about a little more right wing humor?

See, they didn't say what Republicans want, so they were duds.
Matt Margolis, PJ Media:  "Impeachment Won't Be the Black Mark on Trump's Record the Left Thinks It Will Be"
Not among his rabid followers.  They have proven long ago that no disgraceful behavior on his part will affect them in any way.
Christina Laila, Gateway Pundit:  "GOP Congressman Greg Pence Calls Impeachment Hoax “Bullsh*t to the 4th Degree” 
Well, I guess he sure told them.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "US STOCKS SOAR! Dow and S&P Score New Highs the Day after Slapdash Impeachment"
This may be my favorite item of the day: stocks soar at the prospect that Trump might be removed from office, and it's a good thing for Trump.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Honest Democrat Jonathan Turley: “You Could Impeach Every Living President” on These Type of Allegations"
"Honest Democrat" and decades-long right wing hack for Fox News, Jonathan Turley, elevated to the status of Constitutional scholar through his willingness to say anything that promotes Republicans.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "They Don’t Even Hide It Anymore: FakeNews WaPo Hacks Post Celebratory Tweet After Democrats Impeach President Trump"
Sorry to set you straight, Jim, but any American who does not celebrate this impeachment is betraying our country.  And with this item, Jim once again wins the coveted Wingnut Wrapup hat trick for writing three monumentally stupid posts in one day.  Jim is by far the leader in winning this award, so we will see him back here soon, I am sure.

And how about a final dose of right wing humor for today?

Man, that one sure tickled my funnybone.  What a bunch of cards those Republicans are. "Throne of lies," what a great line.  And by the way, why is Nancy being yelled at by an elf?

Christina Laila, Gateway Pundit:  "Pelosi Loses It – Fights to Keep Her Teeth From Falling Out of Her Face as She Shouts at Reporters Following Trump Impeachment Vote"
Well, that's the level on which they intend to fight this battle.  And of course it isn't true.  Does anyone think that someone of Pelosi's economic status would not have implants rather than dentures?
Washington Sentinel:  "Impeachment Continues to Be a Cash Cow for RNC, Trump Reelection Campaign"
Well, grifting money from their stupid base is all they ever care about, so who is surprised to see them gloating over it.
Andrew West, Washington Sentinel:  "Vladimir Putin Defends Donald Trump After House Passes Articles of Impeachment"
Well, that should be an item of great pride to Republican voters.

I could go on and on with stuff like this, but it all got totally repetitive at this point- those talking points are there for a reason, you know.  More to come, I am sure, sad to say.


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