Missing the Point Once Again

I feel called upon to comment on the current Trump treason "scandal" because I fear that just about everyone talking about his latest perfidy is missing the real story.  As an example, I want to quote the following, from Daily Kos:

"...reaction to the stunning Trump-Ukraine news...So, what is the reaction on Twitter from pundits, elected officials, former U.S. attorneys and more? In short—treason, corruption, bribery, extortion."

And I again want to emphasize that I am picking Daily Kos here not to complain about them, but because they are almost always on top of things, and where they go wrong, almost every source of information in the country is bound to be just as wrong if not worse.

And here is what is missing from this press coverage:  This whole story is not about Trump and Ukraine, nor is it about Trump and  Biden; it is about Trump and Putin.

Here is the deal Trump was trying to force upon Ukraine: Either you help me be re-elected so I can continue my craven capitulation to Putin, or else I will, as far as I am able, render you helpless against further Putin aggression against your country.  It is a "heads I win, tails you lose" deal, and the "I" we are talking about here is not Trump but Putin. 

So now, all of a sudden, the pundits are talking about "treason, corruption, bribery, extortion?"  Where have they been for the last two and a half years?  The man has sold us out to a foreign dictator, and it hardly seems worth a mention by the pundits that tore Hillary apart for a year, over what every single one of them knew was a Republican lie.  Well, here is the next step.  So if you ever wondered how a country can be crushed by another country with a GDP one eighth its size, without firing a shot, well, now you know.


emjayay said…
Shouldn't this comment system have a way to block/report spam like the fifteen line one above?
Green Eagle said…
Yeah, but as far as I know (and I'm no expert on the subject) there is no way on blogger to ban comments from specific sites.

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