It's Too Late, They're Gone

It's too late, the transcripts are gone
Wish we'd had the ones with Putin and Bin Salman,
It's too late, they're gone.

So we learned one day last week that a whole bunch of records of other Trump conversations, including ones with a number of foreign dictators that he seems to have a crush on, were also put on a top secret server where they had no business being.

Well, you would have to be one of the biggest fools in the universe not to know that those messages were gone into the ether by the next morning, erased by some of the world's greatest experts in permanently deleting documents.  Trump, you know, lacks the moral integrity of Nixon (bet you never thought you'd ever hear anything like that, but it's true.)  What's a little evidence destroying to a guy who has committed literally hundreds of instances of intimidating witnesses, suborning perjury, refusing to comply with legal orders, and every other kind of crime to prevent the truth about his conduct from emerging?

No 18 1/2 minute gap for Donald Trump.  No living or dying on the truth, because he knows what the truth is.  It is an almost unbelievable thing to talk about the relative honor with which Nixon conducted himself during his troubles, let alone the way Clinton handled being subjected to the worst abuse of Congressional power in our history, when the Republicans impeached him out of revenge and lust for power.  Nope.  This guy is going to be have to be pulled out of the White House kicking and screaming, and hanging onto the doorposts for dear life, and if the whole truth ever comes out, a little destruction of evidence is going to seem utterly insignificant compared to his other crimes.

And in a sort of sick coda to all of this, the following headline is currently to be seen at the Washington Post:

"State Dept. questions more than 100 former Clinton aides about emails"

Hilary's E-mails! Yes, faced with smoking-gun evidence of Trump's betrayal of our country on behalf of a foreign dictator, this is what they are spending their time doing.

“This has nothing to do with who is in the White House,” said a senior State Department official...State Department officials vigorously denied there was any political motivation behind their actions"



Magpie said…
That headline paired with a photo of Hillary Clinton looking glum - just in case people can't read or have forgotten what she looks like.
Meanwhile on the same page:
"The quest to identify the person who crafted the politically explosive complaint against President Trump has become a fixation across the most extreme corners of the Internet."
Stay safe buddy - 'extreme' doesn't mean 'filled with dispassionate curiosity'.

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