The Abortion Fight

I am now going to court being attacked for one of the worst specimens of "mansplaiing" in recorded history, but as Green Eagle has never feared to rush in where wise men fear to tread, here goes:


What we are fighting for is to prevent the country from being ruled according to the whims of a pack of religious fanatics. 

Giving in on this issue is agreeing that it is okay for lunatics and con men to run the country.  The loss of women's rights is just one small part of the danger that faces us, in this onslaught against our right to have any say in the way we live.  This is nothing but a step in the direction of a small minority that rule everything, and a huge majority of beaten down, abused workers; i.e. a fascist dictatorship.

I, for one, would like to see public agreement among all decent people about this fact, so that we can all work together for the common good.


bluzdude said…
Would I be a Man-agree-er if I agree with your Mansplaining?

If our current representation is dedicated to doing what 70% of the country disagrees with, it's time to get new representation.
Green Eagle said…
It is so important to make it clear how great a stake in this that we all have. The left is more than the competing self-interested groups that Republican propaganda claims we are- we are trying to save everyone from a nightmare that could make Nazi Germany seem like just a prelude.
Magpie said…
Of course you are correct Green Eagle.
Taking away the freedoms of women over when and to whom they bear children is but low-hanging fruit for a deep-seated religious fascism that WILL NOT stop there.
Remember at all times that these people not only expect the world to end but positively lust for it. They want the apocalypse. They do not see the rest of us as human beings worthy of respect, empathy or control over our own lives. We are merely those who will not 'be saved'.

This issue is ill-served by narrowly limiting it to 'women's rights'. It is human rights on the table. Modernity versus the dark ages. Separation of church and state.
Green Eagle said…
Thanks, Magpie. As for you, Anonymous, after 42 years of marriage to one woman, I am having trouble agreeing with you. Or to put it another way, Live alone or stick to prostitutes; believe me, none of the rest of us care how miserable you are (as long as you don't act out and start shooting strangers in the street.)
Flying Junior said…
I'm wise to you Men Going Their Own Way types.

While I can sympathize with a good man who has never found the right girl, my advice is just to put yourself out there and keep looking for that prize. Do the mail order thing if you are just too weird to land an American girl. Let's face it. They have their standards. Just be sure that you know who you are. Make sure the agency is on the up and up. You can find happiness with a girl from Costa Rica! Pick a flavor.

I would never advise a young man to follow your lonely path. It's about loving women. If you truly do care for the opposite sex, something will happen for you.

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