Treason Is Okay

If you are a Republican.

Here's an excerpt from a Washington Post article from last December, in case you have forgotten about this:

"The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, rather than just to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system, according to officials briefed on the matter...The Democratic leaders in the room unanimously agreed on the need to take the threat seriously. Republicans, however, were divided, with at least two GOP lawmakers reluctant to accede to the White House requests.

According to several officials, McConnell raised doubts about the underlying intelligence and made clear to the administration that he would consider any effort by the White House to challenge the Russians publicly an act of partisan politics."

You see, it's okay for a Republican to collaborate with our foreign enemies, as long as it's okay with other Republicans too; and as long as it's all in the service of getting tax cuts for rich people and screwing everyone else, it always is okay.

The problem with obsessing about Trump's treason and criminality is that it allows people to ignore the fact that every Republican on earth is just as corrupt and traitorous as Trump.  We have allowed a monster to grow in our country, and I don't see how we kill it at this point.


Grung_e_Gene said…
The Republican Party committed treason, allied with a foreign power, undermined the elections, to destroy the Social Safety Net and transfer billions from the poor to the 1%.
Anonymous said…
This isn't a movie. In real life, the bad guys win.

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