I Blame Obama

Fresh on the heels of Trump administration claims that they didn't have hotel rooms booked for the G20 summit because it was Barack Obama's job to make those reservations, way back when he was President, comes this even more unbelievable refusal to take responsibility for their own actions, regarding Donald Trump Junior's recently revealed attempt to collude with the Russians to attack Hillary:

"White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus has accused Democratic operatives of arranging a meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a Kremlin-linked lawyer last summer, two weeks after Donald Trump won the Republican nomination for president."

Yes, Democrats arranged a meeting to supply Republicans with dirt on their own candidate.  That's the story, right.

There is absolutely no depth of craven shamelessness that the Trump administration is unwilling to sink to, in its increasingly desperate attempts to shield the nation from the fact that Trump is a traitor. Man, those investigations must really have some explosive information if what is already known is enough to produce this level of panic.  A couple more puzzle pieces, and the whole thing is going to sink through the table and go right down to hell, like a meltdown in a nuclear reactor, dragging Trump and all his buddies with him, leaving nothing behind but enough radiation to make the Republican party poison for a thousand years, or until the Koch brothers cough up a few more billion in money to manufacture lies.  Sad to say, we all know which one of those is going to happen first.

Well, personally, I'm going back right now to listening to Albert King.  Might as well get something out of the morning.


Infidel753 said…
When global warming finally renders the Earth uninhabitable, the last remaining life-form will be a Republican gasping that the extinction of Terrestrial life is all Obama's fault.
Green Eagle said…
Well, the second to last life-form, anyway. The last one will be David Brooks submitting a New York Times column explaining how the guy has a point there.
Professor Chaos said…
Of course its not just the current administration, the entire GOP has comitted to blaming the first r years of W on Bill Clinton and the last 4 on Obama. Even now with the House Senate and White House in GOP hands, they're blaming Democrats for their inability to pass a healthcare bill.
Green Eagle said…
Absolutely correct. The Republicans have trained their base to have not just disregard, but contempt for the truth. They glorify lying in the faces of decent people, and no one is better at that than their current leader. No amount of abominable behavior on his part will ever make them turn on him, because abusing good people is a feature, not a defect to them. The Republican base is like a pack of pit bulls- bred to kill and good for nothing else.
Anonymous said…
And according to NPR today 58% of republicans believe that higher education is bad for America. This is up from 43% last year. Anti-intellectualism has taken root on the right and is growing. Makes it so much easier to disregard the truth when facts are your enemy.
ez said…
“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."

-Issac Asimov
Professor Chaos said…
I remember the scorn for the "reality-based community" from the previous admin.

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