It's Okay, Never Mind
The woman in this picture, equipped with the weapons and ammunition shown, was found outside a National guard base. She is apparently a big Glenn Beck fan, and believed that the base was a FEMA concentration camp. Think she's the only one out there? You just know this sort of thing is not going to end well.
(1) Congress has authority over migration, according to the Steve King version of the constitution, and should not cede it to the Presidency.
(2) Under the act, the Obama Administration could still let jihadists from Syria and Iraq into the country. Thus, it's too weak.
The other ""no" vote came from Walter Jones, who has announced he will vote against any bill with funds for resettling Middle Eastern refugees. He finds the bill problematic because it's limited to only Syria and Iraq.
But what brave Republicans to agitate to keep America safe from, say, a traumatised 7 year old child and her terrified parents.
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me"
- ah who cares? It's a French statue anyway...
Scope the total lack of faith in America that the country could engender in anyone the gratitude to, one day, want to repay it by discovering a new cure, or building a new facility, or serve in the armed forces. The annulment of any pride in the transformative qualities that America might bestow on anyone who comes there with a mindful of terrible memories and a simple hope for a more normal life, like all those generations before.
That we used to read about.
That used to be an American tale.
Or the story of an American family.
no, no.... shit all over that soppy junk. It polls well with all them 'good Christian folk' to incubate a nation of fearful little bigots.
With lotsa guns... "to protect myself, y'know?"
'No such thing is a free pretzel, kid - fuck off and die'.
If this does not remind you of Germany in 1925, you surely know very little about European history.