Acceptable Behavior

If you are a Republican, of course.  Senator Ted Cruz, demonstrating his skill as a leader, as recorded at Talking Points Memo:

"Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) addressed President Obama directly while speaking to reporters Wednesday, telling him to "come back and insult me to my face." 

Cruz was responding to Obama's recent criticism of Republicans suggesting there be a religious test for Syrian refugees seeking entrance to the country, a plan he called "shameful" and "not American" while in Turkey for the Group of 20 summit. 

"If you want to insult me, you can do it overseas, you can do it in Turkey, you can do it in foreign countries. But I would encourage you, Mr. President, come back and insult me to my face," Cruz said, staring directly into the camera."

Nothing but a playground bully, but I guess that's what things have come to in this country.  And we know that, like bullies everywhere, he says this knowing that Obama would never take him up on it, because he knows damned well that Obama would reduce him to a shrieking monster in about three minutes.  But that's how we run the country these days- ignorance and belligerence.  And really, that has worked out so well for us, so I guess the Republican party will just keep up the whole thing.  What a pack of assholes.


Grung_e_Gene said…
Ted Cruz needs to follow his anti-refugee rhetoric to heart and self-deport while also taking Marco Rubio with him.
Infidel753 said…
They're brats, and rather spoiled ones. Obama is the grown-up in this situation.

Funny to hear a Republican bitching about insults when their own Presidential front-runner is the most prolific insult-slinger out there.
Jerry Critter said…
"...- ignorance and belligerence"

A great three word description of the GOP.
Magpie said…
1/ I think Obama was talking about the rhetoric not you, Ted, dipshit
2/ Oh – gee golly gosh -and I bet Obama has no idea what’s like to have anyone insinuate he is “not American”. I mean...
NO-ONE has ever even mumbled such a thing.

And, Ted, do get all steely eyed shirts-off like that with someone like, say…. Putin.
Russian propaganda would be high on the results for the next 500 years.
That wouldn’t please me - in all seriousness - but just for a second...
it would be fucking hilarious.
Professor Chaos said…
God, I wish he would. I wish he would walk up to Ted Cruz and give him five minutes of Don Rickles right in his face. In public. And in front of cameras.
Jono said…
I want to see Cruz's birth certificate.
Brewlord said…
They don't mumble it, they shout it from the rooftop
Brewlord said…
They don't mumble it, they shout it from the rooftop
JDM said…
Obama: Some people are being idiots.
Cruz: How dare you talk about me!
E.A. Blair said…
If President Obama decides to take Senator Rafael Edward Cruz' offer to insult him to his face, he'll have to take his place at the end of a long, long line.
Green Eagle said…
JDM, your comment reminds me of the story Charles Dickens told after "Nicholas Nickleby" was published. In this book, Dickens featured the character of the sadistic Yorkshire schoolmaster, Wackford Squeers. Dickens said he got many letters from schoolmasters all over England attacking him for having based the character on themselves. Well, if that is what you see, maybe there is some truth to it.

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