Roosevelt- Another Voice of "Reason"

Boy, have we heard a lot lately about how Roosevelt and the New Deal did nothing to end the depression, and may, in fact have caused it (3 years before Roosevelt became President). Well, I came across the following statement by a major political leader supporting this view. It's important to have all major parties speak out on this issue, so here it is:

"Roosevelt's New Deal legislation was all wrong. There can be no doubt that a continuation of this economic policy would have undone the President in peacetime, in spite of all his dialectical skill. In a European state he would surely have come eventually before a state court on a charge of deliberate waste of the national wealth; and he would scarcely have escaped at the hands of a civil court on a charge of criminal business methods. This fact was realized and fully appreciated by many Americans, including some of high standing. A threatening opposition was gathering over the head of this man. He guessed that the only salvation for him lay in diverting public attention from home to foreign policy...."

-Adolf Hitler, address to the Reichstag, December 11, 1941, in support of his declaration of war against the United States.

Well, I guess that clears that up.


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