Judd Gregg and the Republican Betrayal Du Jour

The minute I heard about Judd Gregg's withdrawal, here is what I thought: The Republicans are so petrified at the idea that Obama was about to win a huge victory on the stimulus, that they were desperate to push the fact out of the news; or shall I say desperate to give their lickspittle collaborators in the mainstream press an excuse to ignore Obama's success.

So, it appears, after "meeting" with Republican leaders, Gregg suddenly discovers that he just can't violate his deep moral scruples by working with Obama to help stave off a depression. Thus, this man destroys his thirty year career to give his party some sort of two day advantage in its attempts to sabotage Obama.

I've been reading about Stalingrad lately. This sort of reminds me of the way Hitler ordered the Sixth Army to stay and die there, rather than pull back, sacrificing a couple of hundred thousand troops rather than take a hit to his own ego. That's the way the right wing operates. It's always been that way, and apparently no amount of electoral humiliation is going to change that. The only silver lining I can see in this cloud is that, with every one of these stunts, the Republican minority shrinks a little more.

There's a commercial on TV these days with a bunch of little 2-foot high dinosaurs running around spitting their tiny fireballs at people who are just ignoring them. Welcome to the Republican party circa 2009.


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