K-Lo, do you guys have to lie about Everything?
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Jindal [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
does exude a practical hope, rooted in things that work. And he forces the point that politics should be about ideas — competing ideas — and that the best ones should win.
You can tell, though, that he's used to just speaking (because he can) and not delivering prepared speeches.
UPDATE: The MSNBC commentators look very unhappy and Rachel Maddow was speechless.
Really, can't you get through four sentences without lying? Rachel Maddow wasn't speechless because Bobby Jindal was so wonderful. She said she was speechless because Jindal was stupid enough to bring up the Bush Administration's response to Hurricane Katrina as an example of how government doesn't work. P.S.: the MSNBC commentators did not look one bit unhappy.
Go on living in your dream world- it's the only one you've got left, you malicious fools.