Our Miserable Mainstream Press- Chapter about one million and ten: "...did not exonerate..."

So the corrupt Republicans in the house today put together another sham "hearing" designed to damage Democrats, in this case, President Biden.   The sole witness" today was a dishonest Republican hatchet man named Robert Hur, a former Trump stooge who was unforgivably appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland to manufacture a smear against Biden.

Now, it is tempting at this point to dwell on the single worst mistake Biden has made in his time as President: the appointment of the hapless coward Garland to safeguard this country against the Republican assault on popular government.  Let us just note that Hur is only the latest in a long history of Republican  attempts to fabricate a phony case against Democrats.  These include, in reverse order, the criminal attempt by John Durham to  accuse Biden of taking foreign bribes, which took three years and cost untold tens of millions of dollars, resulting in absolutely no charges but fueled an unending campaign of smears and lies against Biden, the twisting of the Mueller report by the most corrupt Attorney General in our history, William Barr, to deny the clear results of Mueller's findings, the witch hunt over "Hillary's e-mails," which produced no evidence whatsoever, the phony outrage over the Benghazi incident, the "swift boat" smears against military hero John Kerry, character assasination attempts against Al Gore and Jimmy Carter, which were key in denying both of them the Presidency in favor of terminally corrupt Republicans, and on and on.  However, that was then, and now is now, so let's get on with what happened today.

So we were treated to another Republican attempt at a show trial in the House today, a multi-hour hearing with the aforementioned partisan hack, Robert Hur, in which Hur was able to produce absolutely no evidence that Joe Biden had done a thing wrong, but where he did manage to provide Republicans with a few dishonest ramblings that they can use in their campaign to prove that Biden is a doddering, senile old fool.  If you are at all interested in the actual content of that hearing, I suggest you read this article from Daily Kos, which briefly covers the questioning of every single member of the committee.  This was the usual spectacle of Republican lies and Democratic truths that we have come to expect from Republican control of the House, and did not change the fact that Hur found absolutely nothing to charge Biden with, and had to resort to a massively unethical and groundless attack on Biden's mental capacity.  So, now to the point of this comment.

How did the Washington Post report this hearing?  Well, here is the headline from their article, which was the top story in the Post today:

"Ex-special counsel Hur tells Congress in testy exchange: ‘I did not exonerate’ Biden"

That was their takeaway from this entire sorry spectacle.  Now, let me point out to you that Hur also did not exonerate Biden of murdering the Lindberg baby, or of giving the secret of the atom bomb to the Soviets.  In fact, Hur, as a prosecutor, knows perfectly well that it is not the place of prosecutors to exonerate anyone of anything; their job is to either find criminal culpability or shut up and go home.  Hur's statement shows that he knows perfectly well that he found nothing of substance that Biden did, but he was hired (in something for which we should never forgive Merrick Garland) in complete knowledge that he would produce a lying, partisan hit job.  

If you followed the hearing, you know that this headline should have read "Another Republican smear job falls flat,"  but instead, the Post deliberately published a story implying that Biden was not "exonerated" of wrongdoing, i.e. is guilty of something.

Today we learned belatedly that the traitor Donald Trump took a dozen boxes of documents from Mar-a-Lago and flew away with them, just before US agents raided the place.  What was in those documents, and what did Trump do with them?  We may never know, and that is a truly horrible prospect, given his frequent betrayal of our national security interests.  That seems to be of little interest to the Washington Post, but they are ready to collaborate with Republicans in conveying the impression that Joe Biden is deeply mentally compromised.  The mainstream press will simply not give up the program of their owners- to destroy Democrats and put Republicans in total control, despite their knowing perfectly well what the result will be. Their short term profits are far more important to them than turning half the world over to violent dictators, or even the prospect of wiping out the entire human race through failure to deal with climate change.  We are in the hands of monsters, and at this point it is hard to have much confidence that we can free ourselves.


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