Open Judicial Corruption

 Well, here is the sorry state to which our justice system has declined, from the Washington Post today:

"U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon heard two hours of legal jousting between prosecutor Jay Bratt and defense lawyer Emil Bove, who argued the language of the World War I-era Espionage Act that Trump is charged with breaking is too unclear to be the basis of an indictment against the 45th president of the United States. For most of the morning session, Cannon seemed to take the argument seriously...

Cannon is set to hold the second part of the hearing Thursday afternoon, to discuss Trump’s claim that the Presidential Records Act should be grounds for the dismissal of charges that he mishandled national defense information. Trump insists that the law, which governs historical papers, means that he can declare even highly classified documents to be his own personal property."

You do not have to be a lawyer to see that this claim is utter rubbish:

"The 1978 Presidential Records Act was passed after President Richard M. Nixon sought to destroy White House tapes during the Watergate scandal. It says presidential records belong to the public and are to be turned over to the National Archives and Records Administration at the end of a presidency."

And yet we are forced to watch as a thoroughly corrupt perversion of a judge seeks not to throw Trump and his lawyers out on their rear ends, as they deserve, but to find some pathetic excuse to accept their utterly nonsensical arguments.  She is seeking not to enforce the law, but to destroy it, and we are helpless to stop her as she ravages our judiciary.

And let us be clear: Aileen Cannon and her many equivalents on the Federal bench around the country, including six of the nine Supreme Court Justices, are not ignorant of the law, nor are they ruling based on some supposed "conservative" principles.  They are utterly corrupt, seeking to unapologetically benefit the party that placed them on the bench, in open defiance of the law and common human decency.

Let me add that this is hardly the only specimen of this sickening behavior.  Consider the Georgia case, where Trump is unquestionably guilty of attempting to fraudulently force the State to award its electors to him- a blatant attempt to overthrow the legal government of the country.  This ironclad case is in major risk of being destroyed by a Republican judge deciding that an utterly irrelevant personal relationship of the prosecutor is an excuse to remove the entire prosecutorial staff just before the trial, at which point a Republican attorney general will be able to name a corrupt replacement, who will allow the charges to die despite overwhelming evidence of Trump's guilt.  

And this is the result of sixty years of Republican perfidy and of Democrats averting their gaze from what was openly happening- a judiciary poisoned, maybe fatally so, by utter contempt for the law, from people who constantly lecture us on "original intent" and their laughable claims of being faithful to the will of our nation's founders. 

And would that it were only Aileen Cannon.  This has become the standard way we are forced to endure the Federal Judiciary today: in fear at the likelihood that somewhere in the process a corrupt Republican appointee is going to ignore any vestige of justice, when it benefits his or her masters.  Aileen Cannon, just one of many Republican appointed judges, will do anything she can get away with to grease the skids to put Trump back in office, in the clear hope that (God forbid) he will put her up there on the Supreme Court with Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh and the rest of these Republican criminals.  Aileen Cannon's insane lust to hold a position for which she is grotesquely unfit is now more important to this country's future than all the laws and all the history that we have.  And that is what happens when we avert our gaze from open corruption.  Maybe it's time to put a stop to this fecklessness.


Comrade Misfit said…
Yep. "How to Put Your Thumb on the Scales of Justice for Fun and Profit."

Maybe she want to be on the list for a free $250,000 RV.

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