Karma, or, "Don't Ignore Blowback"

91 counts.  Four indictments.  And more almost certain to follow in the next few months.

Of course, the Republicans have an explanation for that, which they are singing out in unison:  The masterful Democratic criminals and their tools in the judiciary have orchestrated an avalanche of false accusations against Trump, perfectly timed so that they all bear fruit during the Presidential campaign.  Joe Biden, who happens to be a doddering dotard, is also engaged in this massive, perfectly timed plot to destroy the one who is poised to return to power and wreak his justified vengeance on anyone who ever stood up to him, while profiting handsomely in the process.  That's their story, and as the song says, they are sticking to it.

Well, of course, that is not what is happening at all.  Curiously, I have not heard anyone say straight out what is really going on, so I thought I would give it a try.

Donald Trump is, as any sentient American knows, the most persistently criminal individual in known American history, having throughout his adulthood been involved in a spectacularly wide range of crimes, from rape to theft to business fraud, and finally to sedition and treason.  Having, in the greatest swindle in our nation's history, managed to get himself into the White House, he used its power and his willingness to totally corrupt the Justice Department, to prevent a single meaningful action regarding his endless crimes, both before being elected, and while President.  Unfortunately for him, the bulk of that power ended the day he was finally forced to flee Washington in disgrace, and the judicial clock started ticking once again.  

The entire process of a Federal court case can normally take anywhere from a few months to two or three years.  We all know that the miserable incompetent Trump does have one real skill (other than lying,) and that is using vast sums of money to stall legal procedings on and on, so it is no surprise that the time from when he left the White House to when these cases seem to be coming to trial is at the upper end of that range- i.e. right in the middle of the 2024 Presidential campaign.

It is Trump himself who played his cards in a manner virtually guaranteed that this would all happen during the campaign- a majestic thing to contemplate for anyone who is interested in the concept of karma.  It is Trump's lifelong strategy for avoiding consequences of his criminality that has led virtually every charge against him to reach the trial stage during his "re-election campaign," i.e. his last strategy to avoid ending his life in prison.  He stopped every attempt to hold him accoutable, during his entire Presidency, but they all started up again after he left office, and here is the result.  Welcome to the real world, Trump.


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