The Worst

 Think of the bad guys that have littered our nation's history:  Consider Al Capone.  There was a guy who was greedy enough to do illegal things to make money, and to rub out other criminals who stood in his way.  Pretty bad, but nobody ever accused him of raping multiple women, or stealing money from kids with cancer, or taking national security documents from our government.  Charlie Manson- a psychotic killer, but he specialized in one sort of atrocity, never really branching out into other types of criminality.  Benedict Arnold- betrayed our country, but at least he wasn't a rapist or a petty con man.  Jefferson Davis, John Gotti, the list goes on, but they were always sort of specialists, who didn't really cross over into other forms of criminal activity.

Can you think of anyone in our history who was a cheating builder, a thief that stole from sick children and veterans, a con man who ran a fake university and other phony schemes, a rapist accused of sexual assault by multiple women, a traitor who betrayed our country to a foreign dictator, a spy who stole national security documents, a gross tax cheat, a mass murderer who precipitated hundreds of thousands of Covid deaths in an attempt to win re-election, someone found guilty of open racism in his apartment rentals, a compulsive liar, a bully who threatens anyone who stands up to him, a destroyer of democratic government, all in one package?

Well, of course we can all think of one such person, but as far as I can tell, only one.  In all of our nation's history, he well may be the single worst person who ever lived, and I mean that literally, not as some sort of exaggeration.

And he is who the Republican party has enshrined as its leader and idol.  And it is all because what Republicans want for this country is so abominable that only the worst person alive will be willing to give it to them.  And this is virtually every Republican in the country, from grotesque subhumans like Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy, down to the lowest MAGA hat wearer out there in Possum Hollow, screaming his rage in between doses of Oxy.  As Keith Olbermann would say, the...Worst...Person...In...The...World, and not just for this week, but in all of our history.  Their chosen master.  Is there anyone so blind that they cannot see it at this point?


Grung_e_Gene said…
American Rightwingers are in Face/Off territory here; they want to become him as he has given license to all the shit they have been barred from saying for decades; it's the counter-reaction to the Republicans 1970's reaction to the Civl Rights Era. Back then 50 years ago, Republicans learned euphemisms and dog-whistles could be substituted for blatant racism. But, this is now and the right wants raw bleeding bigotry and bloody red meat racism galore and Trump came along and fulfilled it.

Others have seen this and now the entire party is a full-fledged fascist front.
Green Eagle said…
They want the leader that will destroy democracy to give them what they want. Trump is the only one they can find who is so utterly morally degraded that he will do that.

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