Wingnut Wrapup

With all the news about Republican treachery these days, from high comedy (Trump) to low farce (Herschel Walker,) the wingnuts have had to really strain themselves to come up with stories of Democratic malfeasance.  This is only going to get worse between now and election day (note today's "revelation" that Hunter Biden allegedly lied years ago on a gun permit application,) but here is where it stands today.

First a whole bunch of items showing a strange deviant tendency among right wingers: their inability to distinguish between events that actually happen and things that are in movies, or perhaps the Simpsons or some other TV show.  The classic example of that is the strange number of wingnuts who seem to believe that the Matrix is actually true.  Here's another one:  Because it is October, they have become somehow obsessed with the movie The Hunt for Red October,  and somehow think that "red October" is some sort of real thing.  Here's a sample:

X22Report: [Deep State] Red October Comms! Regain Power By Any Means Necessary! 

New Monkey Werx Red October Intel! We're About To See Things We've Never Seen! with Tom Hughes

Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, and Tom Numbers: Red October Intel

This one seems to involve King Charles III, somehow: 

New Juan O. Savin "Red October Intel On President Trump, Russia, and The Elections"

Situation Update: "A Real Red October! NATO Puts Out Alert For Missing 'Dooms Day' Russian Submarine! Near Death Civilization Event!"

And some of them even think this event has something to do with submarines, like in the movie. 


Situation Update, Oct 4, 2022:  "Russia Deploys Doomsday Nuclear Ocean Drones - Mike Adams Must Video"

"Deep State Checkmate Getting Very Close! Doomsday Sub Has Left Port!"

Wouldn't it be great to have some idea what goes on in their heads, to produce this sort of mass idiocy?  Okay, no it wouldn't, but could they please stop it? 


Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Judicial Watch Uncovers HHS Records Revealing a Propaganda Campaign to Push the COVID-19 Shot"

A "propaganda campaign?"  You mean like the Government tried to get people to understand that the shots could save lives?  That was really a vicious, underhanded thing for Biden to do.  And by the way, from Judicial Watch, one of the biggest purveyors of lies in the country, for decades now.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Ukrainian PM Zelensky Posts Twitter Poll Labeling Elon Musk a Russia Supporter After Musk Calls for Peace in Ukraine"

Of course, Musk is "calling for" the West to capitulate to all of Putin's demands in return for that "peace."  Just one more piece of evidence about why nobody on earth should be allowed to have that much money, or why Jim Hoft is a malignant bastard.

Larry Johnson, Gateway Pundit:  "What Do You Make of Russia’s Strategy in Ukraine?"

And here we go- another right wing site going full on fascist in its support of Putin.  Here's what they "think," or what they are being paid to say:

"let me tell you what I think is going on with the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine. Let me start with Captain Obvious–Russia is grudgingly giving up territory in Kharkov, Donetsk and Kherson, but is avoiding set piece battles. What do I mean? Consider what happened at Liman, for example. Five hundred Russian allied troops help off over 6000 Ukrainians for more than a week and then conducted a tactical retreat. It is true that Ukraine has deployed more forces to these areas than the Russians. But Russia, through its superior fire power with artillery and combat air, slows these attacks and inflicts heavy casualties on the Ukrainians in terms of men and equipment. At the same time, Russia is suffering minimal casualties."

This is, of course, a complete lie in every way.  Russia's "superior fire power with artillery and combat air" turned out to be just one more big right wing delusion.  However, it does serve to make Republicans, who hate spending a penny on anyone but themselves, extra opposed to US aid to Ukraine.  And please remember that this is from a website that gets hundreds of thousands of hits every single day.

"The United States and NATO are having a field day with these events, touting these successes as “proof” that Russian troops are poorly led, poorly supplied and lacking motivation."

Looks like that to me, bucko.


"But that is having little effect in rallying public support in the United States and Europe."

At least among Republicans, who have given up any pretense, and openly love dictators these days.


"That lackluster support among the general populace will fade even more in the coming months as inflation, unemployment and recession escalate in those nations. Ukraine capturing a city that most Americans cannot spell is not a recipe for whipping up public support among Americans for sending more billions of dollars to Kiev while prices at home soar and the economy grinds to a halt."

Fuck, I bet most Americans these days can't spell Concord and Lexington, either.  I guess that means our own revolution was an atrocity. 

"Ukraine’s so-called victories are illusory."

By comparison, here is a headline the same day this was published, from the Washington Post:

"Putin cites success in annexed regions even as his exhausted troops retreat"

Some say Russia is getting the crap kicked out of them by a far smaller country, some say Russia is whipping asses in Ukraine.  Who are you going to believe?  The right wing march to undercutting President Biden's so far massively successful effort to unite the world against Russian aggression is in full force now.  This is as close to Constitutionally defined treason as anyone could hope to come, but it's all fine with Republicans.

Cherie Zaslawsky, Renew America:  "As much as I admire the great patriots who fought so hard to wrench our nation out of the hands of the usurpers—patriots such as General Michael Flynn, brilliant attorney Sidney Powell, My Pillow mega-mogul Mike Lindell, and more recently, famous filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, whose documentary 2,000 Mules presents indisputable evidence of vote fraud in the swing states that illegally tipped the scales in Beijing Biden’s favor—I can’t help feeling that many of us remain in denial about our current situation..."

"Many of us remain in denial..."  Well, I guess we can agree with that. 

"For example, how is it possible that our own DOJ has locked up dozens of innocent men and women for attending a peaceful demonstration in our nation’s capitol"

"And in what world does our own FBI get to raid President Trump’s luxurious home, ransacking every room, pawing through Melania’s lingerie, taking Trump’s passports, spending nine hours combing every inch of Mar-a-lago, and quite possibly planting “evidence” and/or surveillance bugs along the way?"

"But the shocks keep coming—one of the latest being the witch hunt targeting some forty “Trump associates” who’ve been subpoenaed and/or had their cell phones confiscated."

"What we’re conveniently forgetting is that between November 3, 2020, and January 6, 2021, we didn’t merely experience a stolen election, we went through a Color Revolution—a takeover of our nation by forces hostile to it—and not just the DemComms, but the ChiComms and other globalist enemies of liberty as well. So that now, America as we’ve know it exists only in our memories."

The truth means absolutely nothing to these people, and who are the good guys or the bad guys means nothing either.  They want a country ruled with an iron fist by white people, and they will say or do anything to get what they want.  We had better not forget that.

And now, here is some information that I bet you never put together in your mind: 

Curtis Dahlgren, Renew America:  "A few presidential factoids:

Nixon had two daughters; he did some good things, but had to resign.

Johnson had two daughters, but didn't run for reelection.

Carter had one daughter, and the worst economy since the 1930s.

Clinton had one daughter, and you know the rest of the story.

George Dubya Bush had two daughters and mixed success.

Obama had two daughters and one of the worst administrations ever.

That may sound sexist, but they say there are no coincidences."

See, having female children dooms you to inferiority, which proves...well, who knows what it proves, except that you can combine stupidity with hatefulness, something which we already knew.  By the way, of course there was no mention of the fact that Trump has a daughter too.   

And here is an event that I am sure you regret missing:

More fun than a barrel full of monkeys, which, now that I think of it, is sort of what it is.

And now, more idiotic delusion?

"Hurricane Ian Was Man-Made and Controlled - Here Is How They Did It - Weather Warfare"

Because nothing bad that happens to them can be the result of their own political idiocy and failure to face reality; it all has to be some malicious Democratic plot. 

"JFK Jr. Is Still Alive And Is Spotted At Trump Rally... AGAIN??!! Stunning Photo Evidence!!"


And here is the picture:

To a sane person, this looks as much like JFK Jr. as it looks like one of Santa's elves, but to wingnuts, it is a dead-on match.

"The Return: Were JFK Jr. And Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy At Georgia Guidestones And If So, What Does It Mean?"

I love this one.  Here is the proof:

Two people posing in front of the now-defunct Georgia Guidestones, with masks of JFK Jr. and his wife!  That proves beyond a doubt that they actually are JFK Jr. and his wife!  

"A few observations…

The ears of JFK Jr. and the masked JFK Jr.  do look similar.

The heights to match up… JFK Jr. is 6ft 1 inch, and Carolyn is 5ft 9… so there was a 4 inch difference between them.

The body shapes do seem consistent for each masked JFK Jr. and Carolyn and the originals.

What does it mean?

If it’s JFK Jr. at the Georgia Guidestones it means it the explosion of them was likely a whitehat operation.  It means of course both never died.  It means that it’s more likely than ever that JFK Jr. is Q.  It means there has in fact been a 20-year plan to take down the deepstate."

God in heaven above, what do you do with people who think like that?

The Federalist:  "Barr-Durham Approach To Spygate Hoax Tells DOJ It’s Okay To Target Conservatives"

And it is, if they are criminals.  Since all Conservatives are criminals, Fire When Ready, Gridley!

"Bombshell! Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp: Global Elite Taken to GITMO By US Special Forces!"

How many times have we heard that?  But this time, it's really true!  No, really!

And here is a picture of one of the wonders that we are going to get when Trump defeats the deep state:

These "Med Beds" can cure everything from backache to cancer.  Sort of just like that snake oil that guys used to sell in the Old West, but no, this time it really works!  For some reason, the people that make them have decided not to provide them to the public until Trump regains power, but when that happens, they will be everywhere, and we won't need doctors, or annoying scolds like that horrible quack Fauci telling us what to do any more.  Hooray, I'm convinced!  Bring Trump back to the White House!  

Well, that's pretty much it for today, but I can't go out without a little antisemitism, in this case, a graphic proving that Jews are totally responsible for gay people:

Oh well, I bet you knew that all along.  And that is about as irrational as I can get today- see you soon.


Infidel753 said…
Why does anybody think that Elon Musk's opinions about Ukraine (or about anything else) are more worthy of attention than the opinions of Joe the bus driver or Fred the garbage man? Just because he has a lot of money, mainly rooted in inheritance? So what?

"brilliant attorney Sidney Powell" is worth a guffaw all by itself.

Thanks for continuing to complies these. I'm sure it's a lot of work, but they're very revealing.
Green Eagle said…
Infidel, it really is annoying to go looking for this stuff, but it is sort of the one little task I have assigned myself that nobody else seems to want to do, so I try to keep it up. Along the same lines, the link round-up that you do every week has become a vital source of information to me, and I am sure, many other people. You might not have to wade through as much garbage as I do, but it must be difficult to spend the effort on it that you obviously do.

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