In Defense of Liz Truss

 Come on- they let Boris Johnson run a carefully calculated, and spectacularly successful campaign to destroy the British economy, and then let him slip out the back door of 10 Downing Street just before the chickens came home to roost.  They replaced him with a woman, who they gave six weeks (!) to undo years of Tory maliciousness.  Great, now they are blaming it all on the woman, after which they will move on with the same insane economic madness that caused the problem in the first place, maybe even bringing Boris back for another romp through the British economy. 

Let's face it- just like with Republicans, the Tories are absolutely committed to economic policies which enrich a few hundred families at the expense of everyone else in their country.  These policies can barely succeed in the short term, and are a guarantee of disaster in the long term.  But those families own the Conservative party, as they own the Republicans, so nothing will change.  No person whose positions can gain the approval of their party can do any better, so Tory rule is a guaranteed ticket to disaster.  

But here we are.  All that money from those few sociopathic rich people is apparently enough to keep the noose around their country's neck.  And world wide depression looms just over the horizon.


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