Trump- The Delusion Versus The Reality

 The Delusion

The Reality

Just to remind you that, after we peel away all the bluster and lying (and the orange makeup,) this is the pathetic truth- this is the giant who is supposed to make us quiver in awe.  Yet his mighty power still fills millions with fear.  You know what my biggest worry about Trump is today?  That he is going to keel over dead from all those hamburgers before we get a chance to make him pay at least some token penalty for his monstrous behavior.


Grung_e_Gene said…
Surely you mean "hamberders". But Traitor Trump's death will be a boon for everyone in America. Magats will now have their martyred King whom they were denied. Republicans will be free of him (although Trumpism predates Trump's ascension) & the Nation will be free of his spectre because no other GQPer has his immediate pull.
Green Eagle said…
Gene, every decent American will crack open a cold one and give a cheer when the earth is rid of this disgusting monster, but I still worry that, for decades, Republicans have gotten away with treason and corruption, without paying any kind of price. And the result is that their crimes have just gotten bigger and bigger, culminating so far in Trump. If he gets away with it, even via death, there will be another, worse one, in just a few years. And they only have to succeed once to end this country as a meaningful entity. We just can't afford to put off consequences for criminality any longer.
Now Am Found! said…
die? now? that would mean the orange ferret wearing treason weasel doesn't get punished???? no no no. not enough suffering. i propose we bring back the stocks, put them in a mall's food court and let folks throw food at him. he should only get to eat what he can catch in his mouth.

just die???? that is not enough suffering. our country will be feeling the effects of this lorange ape for decades.

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