Wingnut Wrapup

 I just want to say that the relative decrease of Wingnut Wrapup posts in the last year or two does not in any way reflect a decline in the idiocy of the right.  In fact, all that has happened is that the production of this malignant garbage has fallen more and more under the control of centralized right wing forces, so there are just far more repetitions of the same sick claims, and less original thinking, if it can be called that.  Anyway, on we go.  First, I was pleased to find this rather detailed and very confident prediction that the world is going to end next summer:

"According to the Bible, there is no need to make plans for next summer holidays for year 2023, unless you go before July, as the world is going to come to an end on July . Of course, there have been many doomsday predictions in the past that have not come true, but then they have not been linked to the Bible."

Actually, they have all been linked to the Bible.  They were just bullshit, just like most of the Bible is, and this prediction too.

"It seems that someone read the Bible very closely and that this time the world is coming to an end without any doubt. A passage from the Bible, the Book of Revelations, as being a sign that the world is coming to an end in 2023."

Without any doubt!  None of the previous hundreds of predictions of the end of the world have ever been based on the Book of Revelations, right?  Oh wait, they all have, and they were all made without any doubt on the part of their prophets .  But this time is different!

"Anyone with intelligence can interpret the figure of the beast and it represents 666."

Whatever.  This claim is made, by the way, without any connection to anything else in the article.  What it has to do with the end of the world remains in doubt.

"For starters, it is now routine in America to see and hear prominent leaders—congressmen, senators, tv pundits, Hollywood stars, music moguls, etc—calling explicitly for protests, civil unrest and even revolution."

Protests- a sure sign of the end of the world.  

"The Beast system is here and it will arrive to you soon slowly but surely in 2022-2023 many people will die fighting the beast system let’s prepare for the final battles ahead.  As this video shows, a frightening spirit of hatred, violence and revolution is already coursing through America."

The Beast system.  The frightening spirit of hatred and violence, of course, is generated totally by the same people making these predictions.  Wonder where that is in the Bible, or where the Bible predicts people making hundreds of millions of dollars provoking hatred and violence.

Anyway, this article maunders on and on, but I think that is enough for today.  Moving on, don't cross the great Trump, or the truth will come out:

"Dark Outpost: Secret Service: 'We Have Videos Of Mike Pence Assaulting A Child!'

Like the ones from Hunter Biden's laptop, or the ones featuring Michelle Obama cursing white people, or all of the others, which for some strange reason are never to be actually seen by anyone but the wingnuts who claim to have them.

"BENJAMIN FULFORD: THE RETURN OF “D. J. TRUMP ” OPERATION END GAME PROTOCOLS, ACTIVATED! As the USA & Canada, approach their day’s of independence to celebrate, the Whitehats prepare to celebrate on the new date marking their brand new day of the liberation of humanity. The REAL DONALD J. TRUMP is back, as another massive swath of DEEPSTATE leaders has been targeted and systematically destroyed or removed by the Trump whitehat operation. TRUMP’S return has triggered and ACTIVATED THE END-GAME PROTOCOLS, IT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!! TRUMP also promises a RESTORATION of DEMOCRACY for NORTH AMERICA. THE CLEAN-UP OPERATION IS IN IT’S FINAL STAGES."

It's happening RIGHT NOW!!!1!!!!1!  Just like all the other times that it was definitely HAPPENING!!!  The END GAME PROTOCOLS!!!!!  Whatever the hell they are.

"Q: The First STRIKE Will Be QUICK!! Soon You’ll SEE The TRUE Meaning of Alice & Wonderland"

Yup!  Alice & Wonderland!  God are these people stupid.

"Soul Ripping From Body As Vaccine Adverse Effect!! Viewer Discretion Advised: Demon Spills The Beans On Covid Vaccine!! Prime Creator Confirms Jab Can Cause Soul To Depart The Body!"

Covid vaccine causes your soul to depart your body.  Of course, not getting the Covid vaccine has resulted in a million Americans having their souls depart their bodies due to their being dead, but that is not discussed in this article.  

"I asked Prime Creator if the soul vacates the body when someone gets the “vaccine”… His answer was very interesting… He equates to being like a vampire bite… and He has much more to say on the matter. If you need some spiritual protection, listen to these words! Creator describes it as the soul dissolving away from the body"

Like a vampire bite, and just as real.

"Stew Peters Show:  "Joe Biden Butt Naked And Whipping A Young Woman?!! Another Young Woman Says She Was Sold To Joe Biden Several Times, Had Sex With Biden And Obama, And Reveals Details Of Underworld Under Los Angeles!! Extreme Viewer Discretion Advised!!"

 Extreme Viewer Discretion Advised!!  You see, it is perfectly fine for right wingers to say things like this about Democrats, but if Democrats dare point out the obvious corruption and treason of Republicans, that is in itself a treasonous act punishable by death.  Just for your information, there is not a shred of discernable evidence that the "young woman" referred to above actually exists, outside of about a hundred right wing propaganda sites.  Surprised?  I didn't think so.


And now a little Republican projection:

X22Report: "Deep State Prepares Riots!"

Something that Trump supporters would never do.

Gateway Pundit:  "Letter from a Reader on the Democrats’ Plans to Steal the 2022 Election...(Democrats) are supremely confident in their ability to cheat  when it comes to voting. They do not fear retribution at the ballot box because they have neutered the population’s ability to bring that retribution...We saw it in 2020 and I think it is going to happen in a way in 2022"

"Harry Truman famously told America that “The Buck Stops Here.” Joe Biden is infamous for never taking responsibility for anything."

Unlike Donald Trump, I guess.  And now, time for some Republican "humor:"

It amazes me that after nearly two years of endless Trump tantrums and lies about being robbed, they even have the nerve to show something like this.

"Q: You're Watching A Scripted Movie! And You're Going To Love The Way It Ends! Hold The Line! The Best Truly is Yet To Come!"

Always their answer when reality is directly opposite their claims- it's just a "scripted movie," i.e. I did it on purpose, no, really, that is all part of the plan!

"Shocking Info... Most People Have No Idea!...Honestly blew my mind... no country would volunteer to be a staging ground for a counterstrike to save another less economically substantial country, and the implications of that favor Russia greatly. The short if it is, USA and NATO lose a nuclear war to the Russians 9/10 times."

This piggish right wing analysis is about Ukraine.. Conservatives cannot even conceive of the idea of someone doing anything that doesn't immediately benefit themselves.  This remark is not a joke; it is literally true.  It is impossible for them to believe that anyone would do a thing to help someone else just because it is the right thing to do.  

"Thank you Nate cause of you I’ve sold up in California and bought myself an isolated property with 60 acres in Minto Alaska I’ve been prepping for 7 years now and thought this was the best time to move away from general society things are getting bad now I have started to notice luckily I can keep more guns here without anybody trying to take them away from me again thank you Nate."

Without anyone taking them away, at least until your Russian buddies come to reclaim Alaska, and the other 49 States do nothing because, as someone recently said,  "no country would volunteer to be a staging ground for a counterstrike to save another less economically substantial country."  You're on your own, buddy.  Good luck with that.

"The Cure for Cancer Was Discovered 84 Years Ago"

By hobbits.

"NASA Found A Giant Glowing Wall At The End Of the Universe!"

Glowing?  Was it covered with advertising?

"Where the windmills rest in peace - a sudden gift for the future generations...Windmills are buried as the photo below shows. In the future, the whole world will be covered by windmills covered by a thin layer of soil. They cannot be recycled."

And they cause cancer and kill birds too.  

"Aside from climate alarmists, Mother Nature is doing just’s just Mother Nature doing her own thing, just as she has been for as long as there has been a planet Earth. And once again I am thinking that climate alarmists screeching about the environment are like fleas getting hysterical about the dog they live on."

Mother nature just doing her thing; i.e. apparently killing off the human race.  Why get hysterical about that?

And did you know how the founding fathers felt about abortion?  Well, this isn't it:

Because the right to an abortion was a given until the nineteenth century, when Catholic leaders wanted to force their female followers to have more children.  

"Satanic Whistleblower Exposes Moonchild Satanic Ritual!! John Legend And Crissy Tiegan Have Moonchild... Elon Musk Ex Girlfriend Grimes Is High Level Satanic Priestess!!"


"Robin Williams Modeled Mrs. Doubtfire After Peggy McMartin From The Largest Satanic Ritual Abuse Preschool Sex Case In History...Nano-Nano As In Nanoparticles??"

Whatever, again.

"Madonna Wanted To “Murder A Bowl Of Pasta”!! What Was The Satanic Witch Really Up To?"

Whatever, #3.  The idiocy never stops.  And these people each get one vote, just like you.

Gateway Pundit:  "Biden Gives Away More Of Your Money To The Proxy War In Ukraine, Nearly $63 Billion Now"

Better to give it to Exxon.

"Explosive Report Confirms Expansive CIA ‘Stealth Network’ Of Spies & Commandos Inside Ukraine. A fresh New York Times report has confirmed what many already suspected – that the CIA is still very active inside Ukraine – especially with training as well coordinating weapons among its Ukrainian allies. The Times report details “a stealthy network of commandos and spies rushing to provide weapons, intelligence and training,” based on US and European intelligence officials with knowledge of the operations. The report says Ukrainian forces are reliant on this Western clandestine network “more than ever” while outgunned by the Russians."

Do I need to tell you that all of the above aid to Ukraine is considered a malignant outrage?

Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Information Uncovered Overnight Shows Highland Park Shooter, Bobby Crimo, Is Tied to Socialists, Progressives, Antifa and the Occult"

I'm not going to go over the "information" in detail, but every bit if it is a preposterous lie.  This guy was even photographed with a Trump flag wrapped around himself, and went to numerous Trump events.  The stupid, malignant Joe Hoft, in between misrepresenting a pack of pictures of Crimo as somehow proving he was left wing, included the photo of him wrapped in the Trump flag, without a word about what it might mean.  

Joe's brother Jim continues the lying:  

"The Highland Park Shooter Pulled The Trigger, But Did The Democrat Party Load The Rifle?"

No, the Republicans did that, asshole.

And here, from Gateway Pundit comments, is the result of this sort of endless lying:

"This young man has been totally screwed up by wokeness. This is what the left produces. Every Democrap created this kid! SHAME ON YOU ALL!"

"Which brings us to the question, why aren't they banning drag queen story time, transgenderism and woke ideology instead of guns. Guns are just the symptom of the problem, the left turning kids into killers is the real problem."

"This crazed shooter looks a lot like leftwing antifa. A lot of antifa vibes coming from him."

"Of course this FREAK is DEMOCRAT Antifa deliberately targeting patriotic Americans."

"Maga never destroys 4th of July."

"the left turning kids into killers is the real problem."

"dem-ism created Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, San Francisco, Seattle, Atlanta,..."

And every other great city in America.  Rep-ism created tobacco road, possum holler and dead man's gulch.

" I am sincere in my opinion that the woman’s vote is what has lead us to our current situation."

"Was this mass murderer on SSRIs and Puberty Blockers?

His Black Block Attire contains the well known symbols of ANTIFA, NAME AND SHAME THEM, THEY ARE ACCOUNTABLE FOR THIS MASS KILLING."

Okay, I'm not going to respond to all of that in detail.  Sorry, guys, there goes your chance for 15 minutes of fame.  Unless you decide to shoot up a school or something.

Michael Robinson, Gateway Pundit:  "Washington State School Board Director Comes Under Fire After She Is Exposed Offering Explicit Sex-Ed Classes to Minors"

EXPLICIT SEX-ED CLASSES TO MINORS!!!!!!  Minors being anyone under 18.  

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "THE FIX IS IN: Poll Suggests Radical Socialist, Anti-White Racist, Anti-Police Democrat Raphael Warnock Is 10 Points Ahead of American Icon Herschel Walker in Georgia"

Or to rewrite this slightly, :  "THE FIX IS IN: Poll Suggests highly respected incumbent Democrat Raphael Warnock Is 10 Points Ahead of psychotic wife beater and abandoner of four children Herschel Walker in Georgia.  The fix being easily seen in the fact that Warnock is not 100 points ahead of the deranged, violent mental patient Walker"

Pete Riehm, Renew America:  "Americans still celebrate Independence Day!"

The ones who lived through the last one, any way.

"MOABS Breaking! Bombshell Intel Drop from Dr. Rima Laibow! Here's What The Evil Psychopathic Maniacs Have In Store For Us ALL! Must See Video!"

"There will be ARRESTS. There will be MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCES. There will be MURDERS and and Bio attacks, just to name a few. NOT ONE PERSON WILL BE SAFE, PATRIOTS! There will also be PUBLIC EXECUTIONS of those even suspected of being a ‘dissent’. There will be CONCENTRATION CAMPS on American soil! This is the backdrop to an unfolding story of resistance. There are mass defections from the military as true Patriots attempt to rally around the Constitution and defend liberty, preparing a national insurgency against federal forces, knowing full well this will be the last time in history the oppressed will be capable of organized resistance."

And here is a picture of the revenge which is on the way.

How can these people look at things like this without dissolving in shame?  That wallowing orange hog couldn't even lift that bow.


And you didn't think I was going to let you get away without being annoyed by a little bit of Georgia Guidestone bullshit, did you?

"Was it an Act of God?  NWO GA Guide Stones Explosion"

It was God!


It was an energy weapon from outer space!!

Benjamin Fulford:  "There was a coordinated takedown of the Khazarian mafia worldwide last week just as G20 officials were gathering to discuss replacing the UN Security Council with a new world grouping.  The assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (see below for details) and the messy removal of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the destruction of the Georgia Guidestones were the most visible parts of this KM takedown."

It was the Jews!!!  Well, take your choice.  One option not offered was that it was a deranged, violent right winger who has read all of the sickening garbage that winguts produced about the Georgia Guidestones, and decided to take matters into his own hands.  That's Green Eagle's guess, anyway.

"Robert E. Crimo III July 4th parade shooter’ stars and fate. ATTENTION FBI/COPS/PROFILERS AND PSYCHRIATRISTS!  Today using Astroforensics, towards the end of the video, I exposed the UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” of Robert E. Crimo III the Highland Park July 4th parade shooter!"

Astroforensics!  There's a new one.  I bet that will be snapped up by the Supreme Court Republicans in a second.  P.S.- don't hold your breath.  There was no explanation of the "unique celestial identity," or for that matter another worthwhile thing about Crimo in this video.

Now, a break for a little head-in-the-sand thinking:

Od course, it was a dud to them, because they are all brain-dead.

"Situation Update: Government Implosion! SCOTUS Overturns 2020 Election! Booms Incoming! Biden Sending Strategic Oil Reserves To China! Impeachable Offense!"

No, they didn't.  However, around 70 million Americans are stupid enough to believe it.  And let's just end on this:

"Elvis Presley Didn't Die And Is Still Alive... Rather He Broke Through MK Ultra Programming... Gave Up Everything And Became An Incredible Charismatic Preacher Known As Bob Joyce Who Considers His Old Self As Dead!!"

Elvis.  No lie is stupid enough to die.


Leanna said…
Jeeze!! Maybe we should install Ativan and Valium salt licks in various parts of every small town and city. These people are so screwed out of their minds.
Mostly.A.Cynic said…
They're saying for the ten thousenth time this is the end of the world and this time we mean it, there will not be a ten thousand and one time.....
Anonymous said…
Things are not going the way they should for privileged white folks, brown people are moving into their neighborhoods; their HS dropout son, the one that won't work, can't hold onto a job; bastards hired a 'Rican'; rumor is that there might have been (gasp) ... a black president. Not really because Hawaii isn't really a state ... or something like that.

These people are desperate to prove that they still matter; that white-face big brother knows they are still special and has a special job for them. That extra 120 pounds, or their inability to haul their ass out of the Stratolounger in a timely manner, or walk to the end of the block won't matter. In their own minds they are lean and mean.

Kind of like how they think of themselves as financially independent, producers, movers and shakers. This despite the fact that they live on SS disability, their back really hurts, and food-stamps. They eat government cheese, have an Obama-phone, and are only alive because of Obama-care. They only admit to any of this after they are drunk on their four tall-boys a night regimen.

That's why all of this writing is so over-the-top. Their entire lives are lies based in memories from forty years ago. They see themselves as they were long ago. Which is why it is so easy to picture the corpulent Trump as Rambo. It isn't so much about making America great as wanting to go back when they were young and strong. Back when any half-intelligent white guy could easily get a 40 hour job that payed enough to raise a family on. They want to go back.

They are viciously angry that it is all gone. Fact is they know sold themselves out because they couldn't make common cause with the blacks and browns. A general labor union could have balanced things between business and labor but they couldn't do it and maintain their illusions of white supremacy. So everyone not independently wealthy: white, yellow, red, brown and black all suffer.

They know the story but can't bring themselves to shoulder the blame. Or resist the sweet taste of self-assumed superiority and racism. The very thing that got them here. It's like watching a heroin addict trying to make their life function again without giving up the poison they love more than life itself.

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