
 I always knew that Joe Biden was a gutless worm.  He was afraid to stand up to the Republicans when he was a Senator (this is called by the idiotic term, "moderate") and in the end he has refused to use his power over and over again to try to save this country from a mortal risk which he understands perfectly well.

Yes, I supported him in 2020, because I could see that he could win, and any Democrat was better than any Republican, but I guess I lied to myself about his willingness to confront the threats that face this country.  And that includes picking an Attorney General that is just as weak as he is.  Republicans are allowed to openly accuse Democrats of eating babies and being minions of Satan, while Democrats like Biden are afraid to speak the obvious truth about Republican treachery.  Biden is a blind fool that still believes, after decades of getting stiffed, that Democrats can work with Republicans.  By now, every top Republican should be in jail with no bail (flight risk) awaiting trial and life imprisonment for their crimes, but instead there is no sign that the Biden administration gives a damn about that.  

There is no way that Biden could ever go down in history as remotely as criminal as Trump or Ronald Reagan, but I do believe that, as things are going, he is likely to end up on the same level as James Buchanan, and for the same reason- sitting there and twiddling his thumbs as the nation is destroyed by violent, evil reactionary forces.  Luckily, in the end, we escaped the worst of what Buchanan might have caused.  I'm not at all sure that we will escape a second time.


One Fly said…
It is NOT looking good para nada.
Grung_e_Gene said…
Come on (man) you're too smart to buy the Corporate Media relentless framing
Green Eagle said…
Gene, I have observed this guy's career for decades. My opinion has remained consistent for all of that time. He was a member of a sort of "gang of three," including Daschle and Gephart during his time in the Senate that consistently undermined Democratic goals in pursuit of obviously chimerical honorable Republicans, and that is what he has reverted to now. Our lives are at stake. We need to see the knives out, and we need to see an Attorney General who will enforce the law.
gruaud said…
Liberalism was a great aberration for almost 90 years, but the inflection point where the US returns to being an oligarchy was 1980, when the corporate media turned on Carter and the election was served up to a washed-up, dim-witted actor. And that is when the powers-that-be in the democratic party decided to become GOP-lite, effectively shutting out liberalism - now branded as the radical-left by both parties.

Unless the democratic party returns to being the party of the working class, the GOP/Corporate brand of shiny fascism will triumph. White blue-collar workers are aggrieved, but the GOP has learned to aim that anger at democrats. Voter suppression, gerrymandering, and relentless propaganda ensures minority rule until the cycle is eventually broken.

I'm afraid we are many years away from crawling out from under the claws of this monster.
Paul W said…
Looking back one month later:

1) Biden's economic and environmental agenda gets passed albeit in a smaller package than hoped for. Congress also passes serious aid package to ill veterans, a bill to support expanding our tech manufacturing capability, and basically outfoxes the obstructionist McConnell at his own game.
2) AG Garland signs off on a search warrant on trump exposing just how bad trump violated national security and archiving laws. It's turning out the DOJ has been investigating trump since 2021 on his theft of documents, and that the investigation has enough evidence already to show trump is seriously threatening US national security and obstructing justice.
3) Dark Brandon is now a cool meme, not a joke.

I think the thing is, you need to re-evaluate how Biden's character (Passive-Positive) may make him seem soft, but it makes him capable of working with others in a Big Tent kind of way to achieve goals. Biden may be too congenial and forgiving to enemies, but he has gotten results that we haven't seen in 20 years.

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