Wingnut Wrapup

It's getting sort of boring doing this, because for months it's mainly been the same thing over and over again, with the date that it is going to happen, always a couple of weeks away, just updated as their dozens of predictions turn out to be inevitably wrong.  Anyway, here's the state of the Republican hive mind these days:


Benjamin Fulford: "Two Mossad Sources Reveal KM are using vaccines to kill dissidents among their Jewish slaves. In other words, obedient sheeple are given placebos while troublesome ones are given lethal injections"

KM being the Khazarian Mafia, i.e. Jews.  Fulford is one of the most virulent anti-Semites in the country today, as if you could not have figured that out already.  Still, he's an honored elder statesman among the wingnuts.

"According to the CIA “The concrete blast barricades being placed around the White House is so the detonation blast 💥 (when the WH is imploded) won’t go out into the street and surrounding area. It’s coming soon. You have seen the videos online of the late-night detonation flashes going on inside the WH on the second floor. The pillars are being weakened, in preparation for the upcoming implosion. This is also proof that the WH is empty. Brandon [Biden] is hiding at another location, could be anywhere…. ??? “

They are going to blow up the White House.  And this is the act of patriots.  What do you do with people that have degenerated to this point?  I guess we will find out soon.

"As a confirmation something historical is about to happen, US President Donald Trump reveals the United States Military is in charge of the country, that a plan of action is in place to return our nation to a constitutionally limited representative republic and that a blackout is coming soon. He also indicates that he never received a vaccination."

Because a military coup is always a step to a "constitutionally limited representative republic."  And Donald Trump is still President.  And he never did a thing to save his own miserable life from Covid while sending hundreds of thousands to die for him.  Of course it is all true.

Sarah Westall: "International Court Indicts 75 Perpetrators with Kevin Annett. Judgement and Indictments Brought by the International Common Law Court of Justice

Kevin Annett rejoins the program to discuss the judgement and indictments brought by the International Common Law Court of Justice. The verdict has been heard widely throughout the world via independent channels as the mass media, corporate giants and criminal state governments work to suppress the flow of information. The verdict by the court is recognized worldwide and the “judgement and warrants of the Court has full force and effect of the Law and take precedence over all regulations, authorities, and agencies”.

Kevin Annett is a Canadian loon.  He also happens to be the only known member of the "International Common Law Court of Justice."  Contrary to Sarah's claim, the verdict has not been "widely heard throughout the world," except as an example of willing wingnut delusion, its verdict is not recognized any more than rulings of the Green Eagle High Justice Tribunal, which has imposed a nine year prison term on anyone denying that Snakes on a Plane is the greatest movie ever made, and it has the full force of right wing bullshit and nothing else.

We the People:  “EVENTually worldwide Military coups would begin, but first – Martial Law. The Military in 32 countries will activate Martial Law against riots. Citizens of the World will rise against the Deep State Plandemic.

The Martial Law will be an excuse by White Hats to bring in the Military in all major countries. In those days when people are under Martial Law, the Deep State Cabal and those who colluded in the scheme of the pandemic – Banks, Pharmaceutical companies, Deep Staters – will  be arrested."

Martial law being clearly preferable to free vaccinations. 

"All phones were being cut off – think Satellites and Internet cables being cut. We were getting new Q Phones: Quantum ...We have to follow RT News that will guide us in DECLAS before it all goes down."

We have to follow RT news.  That's Russia Times, in case you have forgotten. That's what we need to do.  Remember when Republicans used to be against Russia?  Well, we've always been at war with Oceania.

Mark Devlin, Good Vibrations Podcast:  "Shit Just Hit the Fan Today! Get Ready for Massive Actions - Stock Market Is Crashing Now - Chinese Military 90 Miles From US Coast - CV-19 Dead Humans Used to Fertilize Crops"

As for the stock market, examine this

The market has certainly retreated somewhat from its highs of a month ago, but it is still thousands of points higher than the level the previous business genius left Biden.  Still portrayed even in the mainstream press as a major disaster for Biden, sort of like the way his popularity shrinking a few points is a cataclysmic disaster, even though it has yet to get down to the level Trump's was at during his entire Presidency, which was just fine at the time.

Now, as for dead humans being used to fertilize crops, at least it's better than this:

"Presently the FBI and FDA were investigating McDonald’s meat factories, and found 90% of the factories were using human meat, mainly from children. Many years ago a Rabbi exposed that they sell Human/Children Meat to Fast Food outlets & McDonalds  the number 1 Buyer. The Khazarians are the ones behind Mcdonalds."

Jews own McDonalds, right, and they make burgers from human meat instead of the infinitely cheaper beef.  And here I thought all Jews cared about was making money.

"China Dam, Tiananmen Square & Wuhan Big Pharma Labs leads into 34 Satanic Buildings getting hit with Rods of God & Flooded. This will surely make the Stock Market Collapse."

Rods of God.


"An interesting day at the White House!!! Patriots, have faith in the plan!!! President Trump and the military are fully in charge. We're getting closer to the end of the movie!!!"

The "movie" showed here to is a video of some people moving a couple of boxes out of the White House.  The idea is that Biden is being thrown out.  Unfortunately, it's the same video that we have seen from wingnuts since Biden took office.  I've shown it before, so I won't bother to do it again.

"US Militaries remain on the move around the US on the ground and in the air."

Normally, every US soldier just stays wherever he is, not moving from the time he joins up until his enlistment is over.

"General Flynn leads the 17 nation’s militaries in the world’s biggest Military Coup ever carried out. It was signed off at the Hague International Court of Justice and presently making mass arrests around the globe."

General Flynn is a convicted criminal with no government position of any kind.  And if you think the International Court of Justice is in the business of signing off on military coups, you really need to get out more.

"Presently the Alliance 17 Elite Forces Militaries were cleaning out DUMBS and underground tunnels around the world after they rescued millions of children."

Millions.  MILLIONS, I tell you.  Just don't expect the coming Trump dictatorship to do a thing to take care of them.  They aren't fetuses any more, you know.  They can take care of themselves, just not in the United States, as they are not citizens, having been born underground and not on US territory.

"Mon. 24 Jan. MarkZ: Bond Holder payouts imminent, groups expected payout by Thurs.-Fri. The Rainbow Treasury Notes for all countries will take about a year to fully roll out."

"Bond holders" being the right wing suckers that think Trump is going to return all the tax money they have ever paid, rather than keep it for himself.  And when I say suckers, I mean suckers.  This is another one of those predictions that we see every week or two.  Hasn't happened yet, but I am sure it's coming any time now.

"All Governments in the world are being removed by the Military."

Totally without a single sign that it is happening. And by the way, which military?  Ours? Anyone's?  Trump's personal patriotic guard?   God, this is stupid.  Time for a break.  I recommend this, which is what I am listening to now, in an effort to prevent my mind from being totally liquefied:

Anyway, on we go.

"Putin is getting rid of all Kazarian/ Rothschild influence in banks in his country."

Getting rid of all the Jews.  Historically, always a sign of a coming move to democracy.

"China’s Belligerent Occupation Was Ended By US Military Force Jan 17. George appears to confirm that 11.3 (ending of US occupation by a foreign power, or arrested the Chinese Communist Party’s Biden Administration) officially occurred on Mon. 17 Jan."

Because of course it did.  For about the thirty seventh time.  And who is George?

" should be mentioned and remembered Putin was the first President in the world to EXPOSE western deep state owned countries connection to SATANIC rituals and the Occult."

The first President in the world to demonstrate in public that he was clinically psychotic?  Maybe.  And speaking of psychotic:

"George Herbert Walker Bush was an SS Nazi Spy. He was born in Austria as George H. Scherff Jr., the son of Dr. Nikola Tesla’s illegal immigrant accountant George H. Scherff Sr. George Sr. had been robbing Tesla blind for years & giving Tesla’s secret inventions directly to Adolph Hitler. In 1938, Hitler sent 14 year old George H. Scherff Jr. to America to try to befriend, spy on & kill the Great American Inventor, Dr. Nikola Tesla!

George later forged a birth certificate evidencing he was older. He falsely claimed that his last name was Bush, the son of Prescott & joined the U.S. Navy. Skorzeny claims that he did not fly 58 combat missions for the U.S. Navy as claimed. He also claims that George H.W. Bush deliberately sabotaged his Grumman TBF Avenger.  He radioed his position to his Nazi comrades waiting in a German submarine below, shot his instrument panel full of holes, and then he put the plane into a steep nosedive, & parachuted to safety.

Nazi: George H. Scherff Jr. aka: George H.W. Bush wasn’t born in America, yet the cowardy, prudent, foreign born Nazi Bush was allowed to become a “usurper” / U.S. President!"

There's more too, but that's enough of that, I think.  That post wins the delusion of the day award.

"Walmart has a history of human/child trafficking, with underground tunnels into DUMBS"

Walmart.  I almost could believe that one.

"BOMBSHELL! 3 Medical Whistleblowers: Neurological Issues Up 1000%, Miscarriages & Cancer Up 300%.

Of course they are.  No mention of who the Whistleblowers might be or what their positions are, but I am sure that they would never say something like this without absolute proof.

-My Free Doctor is here to help if you need a prescription for Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine."

Which is followed by a link to the "My Free Doctor" website, which I will not include here.  Of course the "doctoring" may be free, but the medicines are not.  I mean, it's not a racket if they don't take your money, right?

"SHOCK: Thousands on Twitter Say They ‘Regret’ Getting the Vaccine — ‘Side-Effects Worse than COVID’

A sore arm or light flu symptoms are much worse than this:

Idiots.  Oh well, let them kill themselves.  Who cares any more.

"New Stew Peters: Vax Victims Overflow Morgues: Bodies Fill Morgues, Overflow Into Refrigerated Trailers"

Do I need to tell you that this is a lie?  No?  Okay, then.  I guess what tipped you off is that everything that right wingers have said for decades is a lie, huh?

"OFFICIAL NSW GOVERNMENT DATA: 99.5% of new COVID cases are ‘’fully vaccinated.’’ -QAnon Warriors: Organs of dead vaccinated proves auto immune attack."

No source, of course.

Sharyl Atkisson, Epoch Times:  "Fact Checkers Used to Confuse the Public"

Confusing the public with the facts.  Disgusting.  This comment from Sharyl Atkisson, who a few may remember as one of the biggest Benghazi liars of all time, writing at a newspaper published by a  malignant, murderous cult.

Well, enough of this.  I just want to include one more thing.  I am trying to keep some kind of track of how many times Trump associates are pleading the fifth amendment to refuse to testify about his perfect, totally legal behavior.  Here is at least a partial list:

Donald Trump Jr:  over 500

Alex Jones:  over 100

John Eastman, the lawyer who produced the detailed plan for Trump to steal the election:  146

Well, that gets us up to 750 already, and who knows how many I haven't caught yet.  I wonder what the last time was that people pled the fifth 750 times to avoid telling what a President of the United States did.  And the most amazing part of the whole thing is that the press, which is savaging Biden for calling some Fox asshole a moron, doesn't give a damn about this.  And that is a hint of how the next couple of national elections are going to be covered.  Instead of learning a damned thing from the damage their pandering to Trump did, they are doubling down, apparently in an effort to speed up the destruction of the United States, and the entire human race, when climate change really kicks in.  And on that cheery note, I bid you adieu.


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