Wingnut Wrapup

Yeah, I think it's about time I get back to reminding people just how viciously insane our opponents on the right are.  

I want to start out by memorializing Cirsten W, one of the most batshit crazy Q followers, and a repeated visitor to Wingnut Wrapup, who after spreading all the standard antivaccination lies for years, has now died of Covid.  .

Of course her many fellows at places like Before its News, etc. are insisting she was murdered in the hospital because she had the courage to speak out against Big Pharma.  What would you expect?

Anyway, here's the usual random collection of right wing garbage, starting from a sample about Cirsten herself:

"Cirsten W Murdered? Strange Text From Her At 4:38 AM After Hospital Said She Was Terminal"

"Sorry to say,… but anyone who is stubborn enough to go to the hospital for something we already you can treat & heal yourself, as I’m certain we all know at least one person, should have known better, & they can only blame themselves for seeking help from these evil, psychopathic murderers,… You are putting your trust in the wrong people,…"

The newest sure fire cures for Covid are drinking your own urine and taking Viagra.  Best not do both at once, or God only knows what will happen. 

Now on to a number of predictions that the "white hats" will be taking over any day now.  Please remember that I have been posting these predictions for four years now.  They are always exactly the same, and there has never been an occasion when the wingnuts acknowledged that none of them has happened, before just moving the dates for their triumph down a few weeks or so.

"We are a Go! Greenlight! The Storm Has Arrived - Checkmate, Game Over - No Escape - Trump Comms - In the Midst of the Storm, Real News"

Real news.  As we always expect to get from Trump. 

"The QUANTUM Computer is Activated.

We are a Go!


Digital War

The Storm Has Arrived

Checkmate – No Escape for them – Game Over

The Pope Has Been Executed for Crimes Against Children and Humanity.

…Trump comms interpreted on Tues. 4 Jan. 2022"

The quantum computer, whatever the hell that is. 

"The (Texas-based) United States Treasury, under the (yet to be announced) new Restored Republic, has delivered the new Rainbow Currency to banks, and it would be ready for public distribution by Wed. 5 Jan.

And then everyone gets all the tax money they have ever paid returned to them.  Because, face it, for Conservatives, it is never really about anything but "cut my taxes." 

If this payout moved forward as expected, then notification would be sent out for Tier4B (us, the Internet Group) to make exchange/ redemption appointments by Thurs. 6 Jan. or Fri. 7 Jan. and at the latest by Sat. 8 Jan.

It's past that now, and no payout.  Also no comment from any of these people about how they could be wrong again, for the hundredth time. 

The Sovereign Republic of the United States of North America, including all of Canada (with Quebec and Nova Scotia), the US and Mexico, will be forming a new Union of States. Territories will also include Australia and New Zealand.  Every National of every free nation would receive a basic income check."

Given to them by their leader for life, Donald Trump, who is so noted for giving money away that he could just keep for himself. 

Fri. 31 Dec. 2021 US Inc, the Crown and Vatican were declared officially bankrupt.

Sat. 1 Jan. 2022 the Global Currency Reset, NESARA/GESARA and Restoration of the Constitutional Republic were released.

Sun. 2 Jan. Massive military action in Iran — over 700 earthquakes in a month. The majority all 10km or under showing massive DUMBS being taken out — underground warfare.

The largest Military Operation in the History of Humanity was being conducted throughout the Planet. This invisible war was much bigger than World War II. Days ahead would change the world.

Bigger than World War II!  Funny that nobody noticed. 

Funny Hammer refers to Santa’s Hammer. The Julian Christmas was Fri. 7 Jan. Nearly ready for boom, boom, boom, boom.


Sat. 8 Jan: Elvis Birthday [TCB] Trump Rally/ Return of the Dead Concert in Arizona.

Return of the Dead?

 Well, that would at least be one good thing to come of it.

Wed. 19 Jan. TRUMP COMMS: Trump Hints [Again] That He Returns As The 19th President Of The Republic On January 19th.

Oh, does he?  Well, then, I guess that's all the proof we need. 

"Michael Jaco: Colorado Town Gets Hit With HAARP, Dew’s, Chemtrails and 5G as Fires Explode"

Of course, the Colorado fires were caused by government weather weapons, which it has no better use for than to burn down a Colorado town.   

Michael Jaco Major Intel: "Apocalypse in LA Is Happening Right Now as the City Is in Mass Hypnosis Psychosis"

Sitting here in the Hollywood Hills, I hadn't noticed that.  Must be happening in  Downey or Inglewood or somewhere.  Or maybe it's just another Republican lie.  What do you think?

"Obamacare Established for Child Trafficking - Barbara Bush Was a Man- In fact, he was the son of Aleister Crowley."

Because all Presidents prior to Trump were married to men.  We've seen a lot about that in the last few years.  And while we are on the subject of Barbara Bush, how about this?

"Betty White is the sister of Barbara Bush! The Bushs founded the OSS/CIA"

I mean, it is so obvious when you think about it.  And how about this horrifying revelation: 

"Betty White (High Priestess Of Hollywood) Sacrificed By Taylor Swift"

Because  who else would they call upon to kill Betty White?  The master assassin, Taylor Swift.

“The Supreme Court has canceled universal vaccination. Bill Gates, US Chief Infectious Disease Specialist Fauci and Big Pharma have lost a lawsuit in the US Supreme Court, failing to prove that all of their vaccines over the past 32 years have been safe for the health of citizens!” …Senator Robert F. Kennedy"

Senator Robert F. Kennedy was killed in 1968.  Any bets on how much he had to say about things that have happened since 1990?  And whose Ouija board was used to get this prediction? 

"The FBI had interviewed alleged Boy Ritualistically Raped Survivor of Freemason Bill Clinton."

Sure they have. 

"Midnight Fri. 31 Dec. 2021 London’s Big Ben Bell didn’t ring. They turned the switch like in V for Vendetta. Then the complete system and power structure collapse. Kaboom! This marker means they flipped the switch! We are FREE now!"

Not free from utter stupidity. 

"Vaccinated Smoking and Bleeding From Eyes, Mouth and Ears- Over 3 Million Dead From the Killer Shot- Graphic! Vaxed People's Heads Exploding, Combusting Upon Turn up of 5G in Israel"

And here's a picture of a  vaxxed person smoking from his head:

Which is absolutely, obviously caused by his having gotten a Covid vaccination.  I wish I could have uploaded this whole video, but they rigged it so I couldn't.  It was hilarious.

Situation Update, Jan 6, 2022 - Operation Chaos: Democrats Flood America's Streets With Violent Criminals Ahead of Pivotal False Flag! - Mike Adams Must Video

I wonder where Democrats are getting all these violent criminals.   And how about some more Covid junk?

Covid Vaxx Alien Babies Are Here, Vaxx Dead Babies Are Here Too!! Babies Injected With Dead Babies!!

Babies injected with babies!  Is there no end to the evil? 

"Turkish Babies Born With Tail, 4 Legs And 3 Arms, Animal Hair... Doctors Say "Vaccine" is Genetic Modifier!! Here's A Theory Gaining Evidence... Different Populations Get Different Recipes!!"

It just never ends. 

"Red Alert: President Biden & Vice President Harris Both Flown To Area 51 For Emergency Briefing"

No.  Just another lie. 

"Ancient Space Arks Activate with Arrival of Intergalactic Confederation Fleet via Michael Salla...On January 4, 2022, I received an important update about ancient space arks being discovered on the Moon, Mars, Antarctica, and other locations in our solar system."

Maybe.  It's more believable than the story that Trump won the 2020 election. 

Bare shelves Biden:  "DARPA funds Soylent Green as Empty Shelves in USA"

Get ready to eat human flesh under Biden. 

"Jewish Trump Warp Speed Deal With Jewish Pharma Death Jab"

And what's a conspiracy theory without Jews at the bottom of it? 


And now, a selection of current predictions that we have all seen a hundred times before, with nothing but the dates changed.  And none of them seems to ever notice that they are wrong about everything.

Juan O' Savin 2022 Update: The Year of the Tipping Point 

X22Report: The Groundwork Has Been Laid! Pieces Are In Place!- Must Video

Benjamin Fulford Full Report:  Final Cabal Defeat In 2022 Probable

We are a Go! Greenlight! The Storm Has Arrived - Checkmate, Game Over - No Escape - Trump Comms - In the Midst of the Storm, Real News"

"Just In! Special Report Schedule Update! This is It!!!- Three Days of Major Events to Trigger the Emergency Broadcast System and Martial Law"

"It's Time my fellow Americans" Activated!- Global Shutdown on it’s Way- Nuclear War- The Harvest is Here!- In The Midst Of The Storm News...It’s Time!!!  Three Days of Major Events to Trigger the Emergency Broadcast System and Martial Law...Trust the Plan"

"Sat. 22 Jan = 11.11 FreedQm Day, PQTUS-Q+ Melania/Diana/Jfk Jr.-Q and CaroQlyn, Elvis, MJ and many, many more return!!!, VictQry!!!, TBIYTC!!!, Celebration – Freedom – WQRLD Peace!!"

And with that last one, I think we've had enough. 


Jimmy T said…
Thought you'd like this...
Bruce.desertrat said…
I saw The Dead in Phoenix, at Compton Terrace, an outdoor venue in the summer. It was a good show( for an 80's Dead show), and I swear the drum solo conjured up a thunderstorm across the valley behind them. Good times.

Now, somehow, I really doubt Jerry's going to come up on stage with Elvis and the JFK's to pronounce The Former Guy as God-King, so they might be a wee bit disappointed!

But I deeply suspect they're all kind of getting used to that feeling...
Green Eagle said…
Jimmy, Yeah, I have seen a couple of things like this. The one that really made me laugh was a photo of empty shelves from the Trump administration, which they passed off as caused by Biden.

Bruce, I saw the Dead about sixty times, maybe a dozen before Pigpen died, when they were at their best. I wasn't really a Deadhead- I worked for a company that worked for the Dead, and so we got free tickets to everything. Jerry would have jumped into a vat of cyanide before he showed up to support Trump. Not quite as much evidence for that as there is for Keith Richards, who as long ago as the late eighties threatened to stab Trump if he was not immediately thrown out of a Stones gig, but I'm pretty sure I'm right.
Dave Dubya said…
Jimmy and GE,

At least deadhead, Rightie, and sewage-slinger Ann Coulter despises Trump now.

Just an opinion or two.

The Grateful Dead's live music peaked from'72>'74. Then they peaked again by Spring '90.

In fact, they released two entire tours. Europe'72 and Spring'90, the latter being Weir's favorite period. Jazz musicians like Branford Marsalis, David Murray, and Ornette Coleman would sit in with them. Cohesiveness, energy, and discipline suffered after Brent died.

Fantastic songwriting ran through their entire three decades.

Jerry shunned politics, but did admit, "America is a racist country".

And of course the survivors toured as "Deadheads for Obama" in '08.
Green Eagle said…
Yeah, my main period of seeing them live was 69 to 76 or so, and I have to agree with you about the first pick. By 1990, I wasn't paying much attention, so I can't speak about that, but the turning away from blues based music after Pigpen was gone was always a disappointment to me. Maybe that's just my opinion, as I am a big blues fan, but still, those were my favorite Dead concerts.
seafury said…
Just got off the phone with my pop in law. Everything here is TRUE!!!! He is a Pentecostal prosperity Gospel preacher and he confirmed all these revelations! Seriously, keep up the good work love the blog and especially wingnut wrap up.
Green Eagle said…
Thanks, Seafury. Right wingers have grown so psychotic these days that it is hard to remember just how far off the rails they have gone. Sad to say, we need to keep this in mind whenever we might succumb to the false notion that these people can be reasoned with, or that they care about right or wrong. Their thought processes are infantile if not overtly subhuman, and we will never make any progress with them if we try to deal with them the way we would with adults.
Pinku-Sensei said…
I haven't read one of these since before the pandemic hit and I can tell the effect of QAnon on what passes for American conservatism. These statements look like rejects from Weekly World News, not the National Review in a foul mood on a bad day. I expect to find Bat Boy here.

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