Wingnut Wrapup

 First, let's start out with a really bizarre example of right wing fantasy, attacking an unexpected subject, and showing just how little you have to do, or not do, to incur the wrath of the mighty ruler Trump:

"Military Puts SCJ Amy Coney Barrett on House ensure she does not abscond while JAG decides whether to show compassion or schedule a military tribunal."

Because "absconding" is the sort of behavior one expects from Supreme Court Justices, particularly ones you appointed yourself.

"On April 15, U.S. Navy JAG and Army CID investigators visited Barrett’s D.C. home...when investigators told Barrett that the Insurrection Act of 1807, which Donald J. Trump invoked before leaving office..."

Of course he did.

"...empowered them to detain or arrest citizens who stand accused of treason or present a threat to national security.  When told that she was the target of the military’s investigation, Barrett turned belligerent and said she did not acknowledge military authority over the citizenry."

What a strange, un-American concept- the military cannot arbitrarily arrest an American citizen.

"Then she dropped a bombshell, told investigators she was personal friends with Kamala Harris..."

Boy, that must have impressed these imaginary Trump toadies.  I'm surprised that she didn't tell them she is Satan's fiancee, something which is far more likely than that Kamala Harris would have a thing to do with her.

"...two days after her confirmation hearing, she stabbed Trump in the back by recusing herself from a pivotal vote that could have exposed widespread voter fraud in Pennsylvania."

She stabbed Trump in the back by carrying out her clear duty to recuse herself.  How dare she?

“Trump still has a soft spot for Barrett; he’s a compassionate man."

Ready to vomit yet?

"He’s weighing justice against taking a mother from her kids. That’s why he asked JAG to place her on house arrest, at least for the time being, rather than deport her treasonous ass to GITMO.

As if military police go around arresting people on the demand of a loser ex-President.


  Barrett, he added, verbally thrashed investigators with unbridled hatred, accusing them of violating her Constitutional rights. The JAG and CID agents tried to pacify her by saying insolent behavior would yield a hasty trip to Guantanamo Bay."

It would be unbridled hatred to accuse Trump's Gestapo of violating someone's Constitutional rights by arresting them without cause.  What could possibly make her think that Trump didn't have the ability to arrest anyone he wants?  And how dare a Supreme Court Justice engage in the insolent behavior of informing a pack of renegade soldiers what the law says?

Well, enough of that.  On we go.  Just don't forget that this is exactly what these people will do if they ever succeed in seizing power again in this country.  Don't kid yourself into thinking that they will restrain their hatred and violence one bit.


Christian Patriot News:  "Sidney Powell "Trump will be reinstated!" Lin Wood & General Flynn Agree: Trump Won!"

I want to put this item at the top of my list today, because over the weekend, there seems to have been a groundswell of claims that Trump is going to be installed as President in August, often accompanied by calls for a military coup.  Trump himself, according to New York Times lickspittle Maggie Haberman, is making this claim.  I guess we'll see, but at this point, who knows?

In particular, General Flynn should spend the rest of his miserable life in prison for calling for a military overthrow of the government, but this seems to be a well planned rollout.  And now a particularly malignant lie:

Before it's News:  "Biden Cutting Social Security to Retirees...the Democrats have ordered Social Security to be cut if you have a Pension and Social Security Benefits"

There is not one shred of truth to this vicious lie, designed to frighten older people into being ready to acquiesce to the planned removal of Biden from the Presidency.  Of course, the Trump administration openly tried to cut Social Security benefits on numerous occasions, but that was different, I guess.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "WOW! Biden Caught Fake Driving — Someone Else Is Steering Vehicle — It Was All a Stunt! — VIDEO and PICS"

Now right wingers are descending into visual hallucinations.  Oh well, that's really the next step in Schizophrenia, I guess.  Biden drives a Corvette.  When have you ever seen Trump drive anything, except to drive decent people crazy?

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Please Help The Gateway Pundit Continue to Provide Quality Reporting from Arizona Audit and Beyond"

Ha ha.  Gateway Pundit.  Quality reporting.  And that brings us to the Conservative Comedy Corner:

Now, didn't you get a chuckle out of that?  Nothing is as funny as someone trying to stop Republican treason.

"Exclusive: The TCF Center Election Fraud – Newly Discovered Video Shows Late Night Deliveries of Tens of Thousands of Illegal Ballots 8 Hours After Deadline"

"Proven" by a picture of a truck somewhere.

"VIDEO: Regent University Election Integrity Conference — TGP’s Jim and Joe Hoft Release Exclusive Content – Also: FULL CONFERENCE VIDEO"

Regent University.  Integrity.  Jim Hoft.  Need I say any more?

"HUGE EXCLUSIVE: Windham, NH Audit Results Show Ample Evidence that Voting Machines Favored Democrats, Are Not Reliable and Cannot be Trusted"

No they don't.  Not on this planet, anyway.  But why stop lying now?

"Democrats stole the landslide election from President Trump.  We were convinced of this in November.  We are more convinced of this today.  The Biden Crime Family is a national security disgrace, documented most extensively by the Gateway Pundit."

The Gateway Pundit has had 27.47 million hits in the last six months- about 150,000 hits a day.  Just to remind you.

Katie Pavlich, Town Hall:  "Trump Blasts the Latest Attempt to Put Him in Prison"

Quel surprise!

"The Moon Is Not What You Think - Could the moon be a hollow-bodied construct that contains a hidden message encoding the deeper mysteries of our universe and life on Earth? Our team of researchers examines evidence that suggests that our moon is of artificial origin, intentionally placed in exact orbit by advanced civilizations in ancient times."

Their team of researchers.  Wouldn't you love to see what their credentials are?

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger:  "Situation Update, May 21st, 2021 - "Non-GMO" Foods Being Grown In Human Sewage Sludge?"

Human sewage.  Well, Mike, it takes one to know one.  Mike expects the suckers that made him a very rich man to believe this.  And I'm sure he is right.

Stew Peters Reports:  "The Intel Everyone Has Been Waiting For: Papadopoulos Goes Scorched Earth Exposing the Deep State, Military Tribunals Are Weeks Away"

Military tribunals have been weeks away for four years now, sort of like the Republican health care plan and the Republican infrastructure proposal.

"Papa-D reveals that everything’s been timed to coincide with the Arizona Election Audit. He says that the Dominoes are in place, and we are about to witness one hell of a show. Expect to see Globalist Perp walks, charges for High Treason, Military Tribunals, and ultimately Firing Squads...More often than not, they only serve to weaken our resolve when they get proven wrong because nothing happens. We are at war, and this is not a game. I’m making an exception here because I do believe that all the pieces are falling into place."

We're waiting...I'm sure it's real this time.  And now the major crisis of the day:

Katie Pavlich, Town Hall:  "It's Time to Revolt Against Prince Harry's Wokeness"

Because the whole world is going to explode if Prince Harry doesn't act like a garden variety Republican asshole.

Kurt Schlichter, Town Hall:  "WATCH: Leftists Get a Healthy Dose of What They Deserve"

I didn't actually look at this video, but apparently he means leftists are getting their vaccines.  Meanwhile, right wingers are getting what they deserve: death at the hands of their own leaders.

Rebecca Downs, Town Hall:  "The American People Have Had It with Anthony Fauci, Polls Find"

Ha.  The first poll is from the Trafalgar Group, which is not a polling organization in any real sense, but just a Republican propaganda factory worse than Rasmussen.  The other one, from CNN, only polled Republicans.  And by the way, funny, isn't it, that Republicans are proud of destroying the reputation of one of the country's finest public servants?

Landon Mion, Town Hall:  "Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Compares Pelosi's Mask Requirement to the Holocaust"

Reported on favorably by the people at Town Hall, and various other wingnut "news" sources.

Robert Spencer, PJ Media:  "Iran and Hamas Are Declaring Victory Over Israel – Thanks to Biden"

Hamas always declares "victory" after Israel beats the crap out of them.  And let's not forget that Robert Spencer is one of the most vicious anti-Muslim propagandists in the United States.  And as to the ludicrous claim that this is Biden's fault, at least he hasn't humiliated our country in front of the entire world, caving in to Putin and Kim Jong Un.   And let's note that this recent spate of violence seems to be accompanied by the downfall of one of the worst world leaders, Benjamin Netanyahu, which makes Biden more effective at fighting authoritarian madness in three months than Trump was in four years.  And how about some more Robert Spencer:

Robert Spencer, PJ Media:  "Another Poll Tries to Convince Us Americans Are Worried About What Democrats Are Worried About"

Because Democrats are not Americans.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "BREAKING: New “Fold Effect” Finding in New Hampshire — Could Impact Entire State Results in New Hampshire and Possibly Three Other States"

A whole new lie about the election, from the Stupidest Man On The Internet.  

"Earlier today, auditors in Windham, New Hampshire started testing if “folds in ballots” impacted the vote counts in the 2020 election.  If this is true then this could impact the entire state of New Hampshire."

Yeah, and if it is true that Hillary really is a lizard person, maybe she does eat babies.  This is never going to stop, and the lunatic suckers who vote Republican are going to eat every bit of it up.  Anyway, I can't even begin to bother you with the details of this deranged nonsense.

Cristina Laila, Gateway Pundit:  "Michelle Obama’s Secret Service Agent Says the Former First Lady Could Go No Where in Public Without Racial Slurs Being Hurled at Her"

What, a wingnut pundit actually pointing out white racism in this country?  Oh, no, she didn't express a bit of concern about this disgusting report.  She did ask this question, however:

"Why did the media cover this up?"

No shred of interest in this hatred toward the first lady, but a perfect opportunity to attack the press.  

Before it's News:  "Stunning New Intel: China Owns Western Canada & USA"

Because of course they do.  

Laurie Roth, Renew America:  "Human depopulation in full swing – vaccines and Covid bio weapons all designed to thin the herd"

It just never stops.  These malicious monsters fill their idiot followers with lies every single day. And it works.

And now, projection projection:

Clarice Feldman, American Thinker:  "Democrat Projectionists...Whatever Democrats accuse their opponents of doing, it is they, in fact, who are doing it"

Republicans projecting their own constant Pavlovian projection onto Democrats.  Well, what do you expect?  Well, how about a little more projection?

Noel S. Williams:  "Dim Dems Dance with the Demons...There’s not much reason, compassion, or empathy sloshing around in there, so hate and cancellation fill the void"

It's the Democrats who have no compassion, reason or empathy.  It's the Democrats who rely on hatred.  Right.

The face of Republican compassion and empathy.

John Simpson, American Thinker:  "Joseph Stalin almost destroyed the Soviet Union’s defense capabilities through military purges. Is our own Uncle Joe going down the same path?"

Yeah, Stalin and Biden...just the same.  And not to harp on the subject of projection, remind me which recent President fired generals for not going along with his insane demands, the way Stalin did?

Warren Beatty (no, not that one,) American Thinker:  "Biden Is FDR Reincarnated, and Just as Destructive" 

As far as I can remember, the only thing FDR destroyed was Nazis.  No wonder Republicans are scared.  Here is a bit of the nonsense from this article:

"Jobs" programs, such as the ones FDR introduced, must be avoided because they increase the cost and burden of government, making it more difficult for the private sector to function."

What, FDR made it more difficult for the private sector to function than it was in 1933, when he took office?  Well, here is the truth:

I won't bother you with the rest of this bullshit.

"Biden wants bipartisanship to fail and for the GOP to be blamed for it"

No, not from the Gateway Pundit or Newsmax.  This is the title of an "opinion" piece just printed in the Washington Post.  I put quotation marks around the word "opinion," because its author, right wing propagandist Mark Theissen, the editors of the Post and every sane person in the country knows it is a lie.  Is there no mainstream news source that is not infected with this bullshit?

Matt Vespa, Town Hall:  "Is This the Real Reason Why the January 6 Riot Scares the Political Class?"

What, because we remember what happens when you let open fascist parties try to overthrow the government?  No, it's just to cover up the fact that Covid was a left wing lie and Democrats are still trying to use it to bring Communism to America, or at least that is what Matt would have you believe.

Gateway Pundit:  "Counter The Radical Left — Support Mike Lindell And Gateway Pundit By Getting Your Bedsheets (Almost Sold Out!), Dog Bed and Patriotic Art At"

In case you want your dog to sleep on a Gateway Pundit dog bed.  If so, I'd wrap a sheet of iron around your neck before going to sleep.  

Before it's News:  "US Doctor: "There Is An Antidote For The Vaccine"!"

In case you want to go back to being susceptible to a deadly disease.

"GITMO Express: 200,000 Federal Indictments of the Swamp – The List is Astounding!"

Last I heard, there were 70,000.  

"As of August 5, 2020 there are 182,771 sealed, 21,381 unsealed, and 409,152 non-sealed indictments for child pedophilia and trafficking offenses."

All of them except for Tom Hanks, Oprah and the Queen, if this article is to be believed, are Democratic leaders.

Natural News:  "For many years, the American foster care system in partnership with Child Protective Services (CPS) has been kidnapping children and, in many cases, handing them off to government swamp agencies that use these little ones as human guinea pigs to test experimental drugs and vaccines without consent. And all this time Anthony Fauci has been overseeing these heinous human rights abuses...Fauci’s medical experiments on children are akin to Mengele’s medical experiments on Nazi prisoners of war"

Fauci is Mengele.  More from Mike Adams, the "health ranger," who may be the most shameless liar/murderer for profit in the entire right wing world.  Man, I have a special feeling of hatred for this guy.

Dr. Peter McCullough, MD:  "Everyone vaccinated for covid will DIE"

Well, eventually.  Dr. Peter McCullough is Vice Chief of Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center, just showing that you can have considerable academic achievement, and still be a lying asshole.  On the other hand, I think Louie Gohmert went to Baylor, so maybe the whole place is sort of like the Trump University of Texas.

I think that calls for one more dose of wingnut humor:

Because nothing is as funny as lying to your base about a deadly disease.

And how about ending this with a little more from the Washington Post?

"A GOP senator’s angry shaming of Mitch McConnell demands more from Democrats"

See, the GOP blocked a Senate investigation into their own treasonous attempt to overthrow the government, but it is Democrats that have fallen short and failed in their duty.  I have repeated my number one political axiom many times, but here it is again:  Democrats could crush the Republican party without hardly trying; what they cannot do is beat the Republicans and the press working together.  Here's a little more:

"Senate Republicans just successfully filibustered the commission...virtually all voted against even allowing it to be debated.

Murkowski did a good job shedding light on the problem we now face."

Liberals have done a good job shedding light on this problem, which is that the Republican party has become nothing but a criminal conspiracy, for decades, but nobody in the mainstream press seemed to ever notice, so now a Republican gets the credit for "shedding light" on a problem that any rational person could see from Mars.


"But here’s the thing: In the end, only Democrats can begin to solve that problem."

Which, of course, has been the Democrats' job since the Great Depression:  fixing the disasters that Republican rule inevitably causes, while Republicans do everything they can to destroy whatever Democrats try to do, and the press lies endlessly about where the blame belongs.  Our whole country is teetering on the brink of fascism, and still the mainstream press cannot bring themselves to give up collaborating with the people who want to destroy us.


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