Has Trump's Endless Lucky Streak Ended?


There has never been a luckier person than Donald Trump.  Born rich, and then spending decades in a constant series of piggish, criminal and outright treasonous behavior, and never being held to account for a single bit of it.  I called it a lucky streak, but in reality it is one of his few skills- to bully and threaten people into ignoring his abominable behavior over and over again.  Well, maybe the worm is turning.

On Sunday, he emerged from his self imposed semi-hiding to deliver the first of what were scheduled to be speaking performances with all the fire of his Presidential rallies- full of lies, boasting and crude insults that the press could just not resist.  But a funny thing happened.  Sure, he delivered exactly the kind of hateful performance that you would expect, but as far as I can tell, two thirds of all the coverage of his appearance was about the ludicrous fit of his pants.  This is a humiliation of the sort that has ended the career of many public figures.  It won't do that for this shameless jackass, but still, it may be a sign that the old magic has worn off.  Anyway, we can always hope.  It may not stop proud boys and three percenters from getting up to some real atrocities in the coming months, but it sure does not demonstrate his former facility with forcing everything to be interpreted on his own terms.


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