My Inaugural Day Dream

Or more specifically, my nightmare.

Let me be straight here- I am not by any means suggesting this is going to happen, but given Trump's obvious viciousness and mental instability, it is just within the realm of possibility that it will.

I am thinking of two reports that I have heard in recent days.  The first is that Trump, who is currently subject to pretty wild mood swings, has several times suggested that he will refuse to leave the White House on his final day as the worst President in history.  The second, is a repeatedly expressed desire to hold one of his would-be Nuremburg rallies on January 20th, at the same time as Biden is being sworn in.  

As if the bastard ever rolled his sleeves up for any kind of work.

Well, where better to hold a rally like that than at the White House itself?  We know that, since the election, he has managed to get several thousand people, many of them heavily armed thugs looking to incite violence, to show up in Washington.  What if he tells them that it is time to stop standing down and start standing up?  What if he announces a gigantic rally for the morning of January 20th, on the grounds of the White House itself, and then urges his lunatic followers to come fully armed?  And what if he whips them up into a frenzy, locks the gates and tells them to stay put and "protect" the White House against the Communist usurper, Biden?

What would the sane authorities do against several thousand armed lunatics on the grounds of the White House, determined to prevent the newly inaugurated President from coming in, and ready to engage in violence in order to have their way?  And what if these criminal traitors are backed by a man who refuses to admit that he is no longer President, and who is believed by his mob?  

Most likely the military, the police and the Secret Service would start by just trying to wait them out, believing that by denying them any supplies during an east coast winter, they can quickly get most of them to surrender.  But given the atmosphere that would reign inside the White House grounds, I cannot believe that a fair number of them would not start shooting before giving up. And then we see a nightmare that we have not seen since 1861, something that would make Waco and Ruby Ridge look like days in a children's playground.

Imagine trying to have a reasoned discussion about the future of the country with these guys, particularly if the were armed with military grade weapons.

On some cosmic level, this gigantic act of self-immolation would be the most fitting end to the horror of the Trump administration, but it would leave a wound from which the nation might never recover, given the millions of deluded idiots the Republicans have recruited to their campaign to end American democracy.  I haven't really been able to imagine where things might go from there, not that I lack the imagination, but because I am not quite prepared to think about it yet.  But don't be surprised if you hear, in the next few weeks, of plans to hold one last Trumpian farewell party on the grounds of the White House itself.


Anonymous said…
I fear you may be on to something.
Diaper donnie has already called for his supporters to stage "wild" demonstrations on Jan 20.

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