Wingnut Wrapup- Schadenfreude part II

 So Trump is going out on the same note of delusion and lying that has marked the whole of his Presidency, and in fact his life.  Inconvenient and infuriating, I guess, but in a way it is a fitting end to the worst Presidency in history.  Here's some more of the almost universal support he is receiving in this tantrum from the wingnuts:

Rick Moran, PJ Media:  "Biden Wins—For Now"

For now.  For the next four years, sucker.  Deal with it.

"For now, the Biden camp is celebrating. But the word out of the White House is that Trump is not conceding and the legal effort to deny Biden the presidency will continue."

Well, isn't that nice.  How's that going?

Andrew Pollack, Town Hall:  "A Dark Moment for Democracy Affirms the Need for the Second Amendment"

If you can't win at the ballot box, just kill your opponents.  That sure sounds like democracy to me.  Republican style, anyway.

"Our founding fathers placed the right to keep and bear arms second, just after the right to freedom of speech and peaceful assembly, in the Bill of Rights because they studied enough history to know what tyrannical governments can and will do to an unarmed populace."

That is completely false, of course.  Right wingers are always claiming that the second amendment exists so "patriots" can protect themselves against the government, simply ignoring the fact that the authors of the Constitution categorically denied that this is true.

Katie Pavlich, Town Hall:  "Trump: Biden Is Rushing to 'Falsely Pose' as the Winner...The simple fact is this election is far from over. Joe Biden has not been certified as the winner of any states, let alone any of the highly contested states headed for mandatory recounts, or states where our campaign has valid and legitimate legal challenges that could determine the ultimate victor."

"Valid and legitimate legal challenges."   Too bad they can't find a judge to agree with you, Katie.  Despite four decades of packing the courts with corrupt right wingers.

Cortney O'Brien, Town Hall:  "Utah Attorney General Taking a Personal Leave to Help the Trump Campaign"

Trump campaign?  Didn't that end on November 3rd?  Well, Cortney, knock yourselves out, and when you are done, maybe you could spend some time helping the Millard Fillmore campaign.

" He's confident that if they succeed, Trump will be re-elected."

I'm confident that if I succeed I will finally be recognized as the King of France.  On the other hand, nobody has spent the last four years pretending that I am sane.

Guy Benson, Town Hall:  "Analysis: If Biden Wins, He'll Have No Policy Mandate"

Not if Republicans have their way; no Democrat ever has a policy mandate.

Bonchie, Red State:  "New Trump Statement on the Election Hits All the Right Notes"

Ha.  As if any Trump statement ever hit "all the right notes," unless what you want is fascism.

"It is absolutely idiotic to ever have a situation where ballots are allowed to arrive after Election Day and be counted."

It is apparently not idiotic to allow the President to destroy the post office to insure that those ballots arrived after election day.

Bonchie, Red State:  "Yes, Trump's Presidency Was Worth It"

For Vladimir Putin, anyway.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "More Democrat Corruption – Swing States Show Biden Votes Suspiciously Far Exceeding Democrat Down-Ticket Votes — Statistically Improbable"

Jim can't wrap his head around the idea that people hated Trump more than they hated down-ballot Republicans, who generally aren't so blatant about their piggishness.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Trump Heads Out to Golf as Biden’s Hopes to Become President Fade"

Well, hope Trump enjoyed himself.  I wonder how much he cheated.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  “Why Don’t They Want the Truth Exposed? ” Trump Campaign Releases Statement After Fake News Declares Senile Joe the Winner — THE FIGHT GOES ON"

They have had so many opportunities to see Biden by now, and they are still calling him senile.  Oh well.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Hah! Faux FOX, AP, CNN, Alphabet Media Call Race for Biden after President Trump Goes Golfing in Coordinated Propaganda Assault"

Biden is at work, the President who would never play golf is...playing golf.  Go figure.

Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "EXCLUSIVE: The Democrats’ Efforts to Hide Their Actions in Pennsylvania Will Likely Lead to President Trump Winning Pennsylvania"

Fat chance.  Well, Joe, there goes one more chance to be right about something for the first time in your life.

Sons of Liberty:  "If Trump Would Have Prosecuted Biden For His Treason He Would Not Become Your President"

Maybe.  Of course, if Trump had just had Biden shot, we could have skipped the whole election.  I bet Trump is musing these days about that lost opportunity.

And now a Conservative humor break:

Republicans do not seem to grasp the concept of uniting behind an honest man and resisting a criminal.

And finally a totally believable explanation of the Giuliani press conference in the landscape company parking lot:

Before it's News:  "Giuliani’s speech was held in front of Total Landscaping, which had security cameras that nailed the DNC dragging Trump ballots into a nearby crematorium and burning them there"

Burning ballots in a crematorium. Can't wait to see those tapes.

Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Believe your eyes – not the liars – the truth cannot be broken.  Big Media and the Democrats want you to believe that corrupt and senile and old Joe Biden beat President Trump in the 2020 election.  This is a lie.  President Trump entertained 1.1 Million since Labor Day to Joe Biden’s less than 2,000 supporters at events"

The Rolling Stones could "entertain" 1.1 million people without even trying,at one free concert.  I guess that makes Keith Richards the President.

President Keith.  Green Eagle never passes up a chance to post a picture of Keith.

And now, a few remarks from the comment sections of some of these posts.  I generally do not stoop to the cheap thrill of this sort of thing, but this time, I think it is instructive to look in on rank and file Republicans:

"let it start day 1 with impeachment. then harass and refuse to compromise on ANYTHING the entire 4 years! i'm praying the republican's will bring out their nasty side and stop being so nice."

The Republicans will bring out their nasty side?  What have they been doing the last forty years?



"If Bill Barr doesn't drop a tun of incitements before President Trump is proven to have won reelection, than President Trump's first order of business should be to replace him with someone who will go after corruption."

Go after corruption?  What, turn their guns on Trump himself?

"This is an act of war by China, organized by Soros, Jarret, and Xi. Biden is too stupid to do any of this. Amazing FOX is part of this fools' parade. This is the end of the MSM. Last days as they burn themselves down."

China, black people and the Jews.  Well, what could you expect?

"When the President wins the Democrat Party needs to be outlawed. All party members lose their seats both nationally and locally and are barred from public office for life. Biden and Harris are executed for attempting a coupe."

Coupe?  They should have stuck with a sedan.

"The dems are so predictable. Trump wins by a landslide...most votes in presidential history. So what do the dems do? They say Biden won by a landslide with the most votes in presidential history."

It would never happen that the Dems would win and Trump would claim he won by a landslide, no.  And no Conservatives would fall for it, would they?

"Everyone and their brother knows the Dem's cheated but knowing it is not good enough. If there isn't any solid, touchable, feelable, palpable evidence presented come Monday, something you can file charges on and prosecute or take to the courts then the window will start to close and America as we know it is finished."

Everyone knows Biden cheated, even there is no evidence.  Yup, a pretty good summation of the Trump case.

"They are Bolsheviks, not Fascists. Fascists, throughout history, supported traditional values and nationalism.  You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians."

Who knew the Bolsheviks were not Russians?  Maybe they were from Skyrim.  Well, enough of that.  And now this striking expose:

Before it's News:  "Did Anyone Notice Anything Weird About the Biden/Harris Victory Party? Fraud Exposed!"

What fraud?  Well, this, for example:

"Suddenly there were American flags. All identical."

Yeah, there were none of those American flags that they flew over the South in the 1860's, like you see at patriotic Trump rallies.

"And then things got even weirder. A normal acceptance speech would include a gracious paragraph, “It was a hard-fought race. I want to commend my opponent, President Trump, on an excellent campaign and…Not. One. Word.  Sour grapes? Meh, maybe.” 

Of course, Trump ran an awful campaign, which centered around calling Biden a corrupt criminal and sexual deviant, and attacking his family, based on no evidence at all, so I am not quite sure what Trump should be commended for, other than acting like a Republican.

Before it's News:  "Biden is NOT the president elect and will never be!! We have evidence you haven’t seen yet right here!!! We Will Not Concede!!! You want The New World Order ruling over all?? They cut off their nose in spite of their face!! They Want to come after Trump Supporters!!! These people will not have any type of power!! We The People Will Decide!!!"

Sorry to break it to you buddy, but "We The People" did decide.  It's called an election.

"Game Changer! What You're Seeing Is a Fabricated Media Illusion! There Is No President Elect!...Actual vote totals (approximate to within 2 percent on Biden:)  Trump: 73.5 million. Biden: 25.9 million.

Those are the real numbers, MINUS Trump votes that were tossed and never accounted for, Trump might have over 100 million but Biden definitely got 25.9 million. Now there are (according to my estimates,) 48.1 million false votes for Biden.  We’ll never know the actual number of Trump votes because so many were thrown away.  Biden is hopelessly, irrevocably busted. That’s why no winner has been announced."

Trump won by 100 million to 25.9 million. Biden busted by no evidence and made up numbers.  


It wasn't censored, it was too boring and stupid to cover.

"You know what I’d like to see? An ocean of guns, with everyone screaming: “This protest is peaceful, for now!”. THAT would send a message!"

It sure would.  A message about what Republicans really think about democracy.  Of course, it's a message we all got a long time ago.

Before it's News:  "Look At The Tubes Where President-Elect Joe Biden Clones Are Grown In Dulce New Mexico!!  Spiritual channeler Ivan Teller channels men in black who confirm that somewhere in dulce new mexico underground base, there is an extensive cloning facility, including a room full of joe biden clones, with fresh baby skin, ready to be rolled out into the public"

Spiritual channeler!  Men in black! And here is a helpful diagram of the underground base, proving that it exists: 

Joe Biden clones.  Lots of them.  I wonder what they are going to do with the extras.  At least if they were Trump clones, they could be used to make pancetta.

Cristina Laila, Gateway Pundit:  "Ohio Attorney General Asks US Supreme Court to Overturn Ruling that Extended Deadline For Mail-in Ballots in Pennsylvania"

Talk about no standing to bring a lawsuit.  By the way, you can't "ask the Supreme Court" to rule on something; it's got to be heard on appeal from one of the parties to the case.  Just an irrelevant technicality, I guess.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Catholic Exorcist Fr. Chad Ripperger Calls on Faithful to Recite Prayer to Bind the Evil Spirits and Satanic Forces Until Election Oddities are Resolved"

That will help.  An exorcist, i.e. a man who has devoted his entire life to a stupid fantasy, is on Donald Trump's side.  What a surprise.

Timothy Buchanan, Renew America:  "President Trump is the rightful winner of last Tuesday’s election. Everyone knows that. He won the election for three important reasons: the President is eligible to hold the office, he campaigned tirelessly for the office, and he got the most valid legal votes.

No one—not even the most ardent Democrat supporter, believes the media claim that Joe Biden received the most votes in any presidential election in U.S. history."

No one believes it.  No one believes Biden won.  No one Timothy knows anyway.  And they never will believe it.  Because they are willing to tell themselves any kind of lie in order to keep up their degradation of themselves and this country.  By the way, I never knew that campaigning tirelessly made you the winner.

Beth Baumann, Town Hall:  "LISTEN: USPS IG Agent Attempting to Coerce a Whistleblower to Recant Allegations of Voter Fraud"

Well, we now know that he has "recanted," i.e. admitted that the Republicans paid him $130,000 to tell that story.  Not that Beth cares.  Note that this is the same amount Trump paid Stormy Daniels.  I guess it's the standard Trump offer.

Before it's News:  "Trump had access to a PILE of classified systems that watched the election fraud in real time. He cannot mention that because those systems are classified, which means they’ll never be spoken of EVER. they will always be kept gray. But the way the left is now scrambling in panic over fear of being busted is quite telling."

We have the evidence, but it is SECRET so we can't show it to you!  And the Democrats are panicking!  Yes they are!  In private, I guess.

Before it's News:  "Satanists Are Going To Strike In Days!!! Don't Forget Who We're Dealing With!!! Trump Just Won Now!!  We are dealing with people who worship lucifer!! They are doing the enemy’s bidding!! Destruction of the United States is their objective and they will do all they can to achieve their goal!! President Trump won the election by a longshot, but the MSM and others will not let people know this!! They are going to start a civil war here on US soil and in doing so will start a chain reaction around the world!!"

Satanists.  You knew it would get down to that eventually.

And it just goes on forever.  Here are a few more articles out of the hundreds or thousands that are out there already:

"Trump Campaign Lawsuit in MI Asks to Postpone Certification Until Dominion Software Is Validated"

"Dead Person Voting in Nevada May Be Evidence of a More Systemic Issue"

"Lindsey Graham Drops Information About More Ballot Questions In Pennsylvania"

"Members Of Corporate Press Play Dumb And Demand ‘Evidence’ After Being Told Of Affidavits And Incident Reports Alleging Voter Fraud"

"Our Election Process Looks at Least as Fraudulent as That of Gabon and Ukraine and There Is No Reason to Trust the Results"

"Detroit Elections Official Claims Workers Coached Voters To Support Biden And Change Dates On Ballots"

"Trump Campaign Pursues New Legal Action In Pennsylvania"

"It's On: Bill Barr Breaks His Silence, Sets Wheels in Motion to Pursue 'Substantial Allegations of Voter Fraud,' Irregularities"

"Lawsuit: Poll Workers Allege Voter-Coaching, Back-Dating, Cheating Occurred in Detroit Election Centers"

"America's Venezuela-style election farce"

"Regressives are pretending Biden won"

"Shame on all those who run from Trump now as he is preparing to fight election corruption"

Well, enough.  I think that will be the last I have to say about this subject.  At least I'm ending on good news.


Infidel753 said…
Careful, being king of France isn't really such a great gig. Don't lose your head over it.

Swing States Show Biden Votes Suspiciously Far Exceeding Democrat Down-Ticket Votes

It never seems to occur to these idiots that if Democrats had actually rigged the election to get rid of Trump, we'd have gotten rid of Graham, Collins, Moscow Mitch, and a few other toxic Repubs while we were at it.

The Republicans will bring out their nasty side? What have they been doing the last forty years?

First rule of US politics -- no matter how nasty Republicans get, it's still possible for them to get even nastier.


This is what happens when they start writing before having their morning covfefe.

If Bill Barr doesn't drop a tun of incitements

Barr has been committing quite a lot of incitement lately.

Who knew the Bolsheviks were not Russians?

He probably means they were Jews. Communists = Jews is a pretty old trope.

This election-fraud stuff is going to become the Biden-era equivalent of Obama's birth certificate. It won't affect the real world but it will give them something to grumble about.
Green Eagle said…
Yes, it will never die. Republican lies last forever.
Isaac said…
I think therefore I am...
not a Trump supporter
ming said…
I'm all for President Keith Richards!

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