Not Ready to Make Nice

 Not that they ever were.  The combination of projection and outright lies which has always been the Republicans' main tool is being ramped up to preposterous levels- levels that would be hilarious if they did not portend a four year campaign to destroy Democrats' attempts at rational government.

I could produce a Wingnut Wrapup here that would be five hundred pages long, filled with this disgusting stuff, but I thought that, at least for today, I would restrict myself to one article, from Jeff Davidson today, at Town Hall, one of the largest purveyors of right wing claims in existence:

"My daughter was completely overjoyed on her 8th birthday when she received Barbie’s ‘playtime folding fun house.’ She couldn't wait to assemble it, arrange the furniture, and position her various Barbies all over the house. For an eight-year-old, this was not merely a wonderful time, it was pure bliss. 

With the White House as his ‘presumed’ playhouse, Joe Biden, in his fluctuating mental state, likely is experiencing the same thing at this moment. Biden might well be in the White House in the future, but merely as a guest at some function, for a few hours or less, and that’s it. 

I suspect on some level, Democrats and those on the Left already know that they have lost the presidency. That is why the ‘mainstream’ media is pushing so hard and so fast in articles and features, around the clock, portraying Joe Biden as the president-elect."

This hardly needs a comment.  Biden is the one with the "fluctuating mental state;"  Biden is the one who will never see the inside of the White House after January 20th; Democrats know that they have "lost the Presidency."

And Jeff, let's be clear about this:  The media are portraying Biden as President-elect because he is.  Deal with it.

"For Leftists to remain in denial much longer portends an ominous trend. I fear that these people have been brainwashed. They are dupes of a media machine that has controlled them for years, if not decades, if not for their entire lives."

It is "leftists" who are in denial about the election.  It is leftists who have  been brainwashed.  It is leftists who are dupes of a media machine.

And if you think that the incipient inauguration of Biden will disabuse these people of their near psychotic delusions, you sure haven't been watching the Republican party the last couple of decades.  I know of no nation in history that has had to deal with the insanity of half its voting population that has not come to a very bad end.  And that may well be where we are heading, no matter what the remaining sane people do.


Infidel753 said…
For Leftists to remain in denial much longer portends an ominous trend. I fear that these people have been brainwashed. They are dupes of a media machine that has controlled them for years, if not decades, if not for their entire lives.

Worst case of projection ever.
seafury said…
I commend you for even setting foot in the carnival funhouse of right wing media. I tried until I risked having an aneurism. Just think, all our country has been through in all of its history, and one man was able to destroy it in 4 short years. All the talk of people abondoning him after the election was a pipe dream. He grows stronger every day, he's the human version of wackamole. More people are willing to die from a fake "librul" virus than were willing to die for Hitler. Face it eagle the monkeys aren't just running the zoo, they're selling tickets.

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