Ihlan Omer Is a Jew Hater

I don't give a damn what Donald Trump has to say about this malignant woman.

Here is something she said:

“Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.”

That is one of the most blatantly anti-Semitic things I have ever heard, particularly given her reference to Allah, the God prayed to by nations surrounding Israel that engage in repeated atrocities that dwarf anything Israel ever did, without inspiring a shred of resistance from Ihlan Omer.

So she issued this lame defense when she was called out on her hate spewing:

“It’s now apparent to me that I spent lots of energy putting my 2012 tweet in context and little energy is disavowing the anti-Semitic trope I unknowingly used"

Unknowingly...can there be anyone on earth that thinks that this malignant woman didn't know exactly what she was saying?  So, like her new arch-enemy Donald Trump, she is compounding her racism with lying.

Democrats, you had better figure this out:  We have no business acquiescing to this sort of behavior just because she is a Democrat.  She is a blight on our party, and the sooner she is gone, the better.


Rachel said…
Back in Hebrew School, I was taught that we needed to conquer the land from the Nile to the Euphrates, because God told us it was ours.

In Hebrew School, I was taught that genocide was good. The Torah says

"However, of these peoples' cities, which the Lord, your God, gives you as an inheritance, you shall not allow any soul to live.

Rather, you shall utterly destroy them: The Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivvites, and the Jebusites, as the Lord, your God, has commanded you."

Don't forget the mitzvah to exterminate the Amalekites.

As an ex-Jew, I know that Judaism, which is the official religion of Israel, demands genocide. I do not know anything the neighboring states have done which even approaches the extermination of seven entire ethnic groups.

I don't see the racism in "Israel hypnotized the world." It has openly declared in the Torah that it wants to exterminate the Gentiles in the country, and yet people like you claim it is nothing but the victim here.

"Help them see the evil doings of Israel" -- I have tried to find an ideology more evil than the one I was taught in Hebrew School. I have not succeeded. Even Islam isn't as evil as Judaism.

Judaism needs to be eliminated from the face of the earth, and the sooner it is gone, the better.
Infidel753 said…
I posted about Omar's anti-Semitic dog whistling back in February (and got bashed by a couple of people in the comments). Unfortunately some people are willing to tie themselves in knots to deny and make excuses for anti-Semitism just as much as the wingnuts are willing to do the same for Trump's racism.

After the "it's all about the benjamins" episode, Pelosi came down on her pretty hard, which seems to have gotten her to can it with the flagrantly anti-Semitic rhetoric since then. I doubt her actual views have changed, though, as shown by her recent pro-BDS resolution in Congress.

Older quotes like these need to be brought up, though, so that people in her district know what the issue is. Hopefully the party will support a primary challenge for 2022. And if she ever talks like this again while in office, the party needs to ostracize her as much as the Republicans did Steve King, at least.
Infidel753 said…
By the way, the name is spelled "Ilhan Omar".
joseph said…

You're an idiot. There is no point in explaining things to you, because you're an idiot. And I seriously doubt anyone taught you that in Hebrew school, because in Hebrew school you're taught Hebrew. it is in religious school that you would be taught religion.
Green Eagle said…

When I went to Hebrew School, half of the time was spent on Hebrew and half was spent on religious topics,, so I have to disagree with you there.

However, as for Rachel, I have to say that there is no Jewish school where people are taught that "genocide was good." Her entire story is a patent lie. "Rachel," whatever his or her real name is, is simply repeating some of the most malignant RIGHT WING lies about Jews and what they believe. He or she is a vicious anti-Semite, and nothing else.
Dave Dubya said…
Let's note that not all Jews see this the same way.

It sickens me to think criticizing AIPAC, Israel, and the Netanyahu regime will get one targeted as a racist anti-Semite. That is what the Right does. Talk about political correctness. It plays right into far Right Trumpism and Evangelical bigotry.

I would also suggest equating Omar with Steve King is like equating Al Franken with Trump. Perspective, please. She is not Jihadist or Black Nationalist. She has her bias and so do we all.

Despite Omar's questionable phrasing, are we to ignore the fact that pandering to AIPAC is rewarded by their directing money to politicians?

Let's test this one. “Trump has hypnotized America, may God awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of the US government.” Is this anti-American? Millions think so.

Is calling out the treachery of the Israeli Right an attack on all Jews?

Remember when we were told if we didn't support Bush's war on Iraq we were "anti-American" and "siding with al-Qaeda"?

Is calling out Trump's racism, lies, and criminal behavior "anti-American"? How is that any different?

Instead of putting her in a box, and muzzling Omar's right to speak critically of Israel and AIPAC, let's view tribalism, nationalism, and religion as the problem. Jews, Muslims, and Christians have all committed atrocities in the name of their non-existent gods. They all have the blood of innocents on their hands.

No one has a monopoly on hate and evil. More innocent people are killed by Israel than by Palestinians. Their vengeance is brutal, but the cycle of violence keeps turning.

I fear these facts and my opinion will result in me being accused of Antisemitism.

I have a religious Jewish friend living in Jerusalem who told me Native Americans were savages because they believed mankind rose from the earth.

I asked him what God used to create Adam. Surprise. Earth.

Allah, Jehovah, God, or Gitche Manitou, etc. are merely the names of the same mythological deity.

I still love the guy, but it goes to show tribalism, nationalism, and religion are the most divisive and destructive elements of humanity.

I suppose even if we all looked the same, and without those divisive forces, humans would still kill each other over land, wealth and power. Or which end to crack an egg.

What a species.
Sam240 said…
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joseph said…
I had Hebrew school on Tuesday and Thursday and religious school Saturday morning.


Let me know when Omar criticizes Hamas, Hezbollah or the PA.
Green Eagle said…
Sam240 has been banned here before, and I am not to allow this person back, so I deleted their comment.

Joseph, right on.

Dave, I wish I had time to write a reply to your comment which is adequate for the time you spent writing it, but I am just too busy at work now. I'll try to get around to it soon. Sorry.
BB-Idaho said…
It is complicated-
"When AIPAC gives Trump a standing ovation⁶, funds Islamaphobic hate groups⁷, invites speakers who accuse Muslim congresswomen of being secret terrorist supporters⁸, and flies Jewish settlers from the West Bank to DC so they can promote endless Occupation⁹, they do not speak for us." Source IMO, the Netanyahu admin is on a par with the
Trump Admin, and many if not most US Jews know that.

bt1138 said…
Sorry, but I will never understand why Jews who don't live in Israel are such die-hard defenders of the place. The stuff that Bibi has been saying and doing for the last few years really rips the mask off of the whole endeavor if you're willing to be honest about it.

Conflating criticism of Israel with antisemitism is a pretty lame defense for a country that's getting harder and harder for anyone to defend.

Now that Trump has given a blank check to Israel it has only gotten worse. I especially did not enjoy seeing that guy, Bibi, in our congress campaigning against the Democrat and doing his best to get us to invade Iran for him. Iraq worked out so well for everyone, didn't it.

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