Treason Part About 5,000

So Donald Trump is planning to remove all US troops from Syria.

Who does that hurt?  The United States, the countries that surround Syria in the Middle East, European countries who have had to bear the majority of the cost of displaced Syrians, and just about everyone who wants to see a more peaceful world.

Who does it help?  Well, leaving aside ISIS, it helps one person:  Vladimir Putin.

This is only the latest of a long series of actions by Trump which have benefited the Russians while materially harming this country and all of our traditional allies: His persistent efforts to eliminate economic sanctions on Russia, his removing limits on Russian nuclear weapon emplacements, his ignoring of Russia's aggression toward its neighbors, his altering the Republican platform to weaken the party's stance against Russia, his fawning, humiliating behavior toward Putin himself, his deliberately alienating China, Russia's main competitor for influence in Asia, his attempts to weaken our commitment to NATO, and on and on.  The whole of these policies could have very well been a wish list straight from Putin.

Well, even the lamebrained mainstream press seems to have now awakened to the overwhelming evidence that the Russians materially aided Trump's campaign for the Presidency, and that without their help, he would in all likelihood have lost.  But the other side of this deal- the constant action by Trump to promote the interests of the Russians and diminish our country's own authority on the world stage, is still being ignored.

The man is a traitor.  And not in some minor way, or through an extreme interpretation of the law.  He is adhering to our enemy, giving them aid and comfort.  He is likely the biggest traitor in the history of our country, worse even than Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee, who had at least not been entrusted by the people with preserving the security of the entire United States, before systematically and repeatedly selling us out to a foreign dictator.

The worst of this is that Trump's treason has been obvious since the day he took office, and that only now is it becoming even marginally acceptable to state anything approaching the truth.  As soon as they can get away with it, the mainstream press will turn its back on this colossal crime, and there is a good chance that the Republican destruction of our country will continue.

Note: at least some people are beginning to respect the truth.  From Kerry Eleveld, the lead story at Daily Kos at the moment:

"Facing wave of probes, Trump administration abruptly adopts pro-Kremlin policies on Syria, sanctions"

The article reveals that Trump is simultaneously moving to abandon US sanctions on Oleg Derapaska, a Russian oligarch with close ties to Putin, and a figure in several of Robert Mueller's investigations.


Jerry said…
And Republicans still defend what Trump says and does. Maybe that will end later today, but I doubt it. He is still the leader of their party and president.
Anonymous said…
How do Trump, Davis, and Lee compare to Benedict Arnold?
Sergei Vladimirovich Ryakhov said…
No, no, no.

Donald Trump no traitor. Real Donald Trump is dead. Guy in White House is impersonator from Khabarovsk.
Kiril Gregorovich Belyakov said…
We regret to inform you that Sergei Vladimirovich Ryakhov was found dead earlier today. He seems to have been run over by a steamroller.

We believe it was suicide.
Dave Dubya said…
We must trust our Russian friends. ;-)

There is no doubt Trump and his mob have sold out our country. But he is more than a traitor. He is evil.

Those who support Trump wittingly, or unwittingly, support evil. Racism, hate, bigotry, and lies are evil.

Supporting a racist wittingly, or unwittingly, is supporting racism. Supporting a hater wittingly, or unwittingly, is supporting hate. Supporting a bigot wittingly, or unwittingly, is supporting bigotry. Supporting a liar wittingly, or unwittingly, is supporting lies.

Trump is evil. Period.

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