Matching Signatures

I would like to make a point about the Republican ploy of using signatures that don't match to disqualify tens of thousands of Democratic votes.  I don't think this point has been made clearly enough:

Has anyone out there signed their name exactly the same twice?  I mean, literally ever. None of us is a machine, and our signatures vary in minor ways every time we sign them.  This Republican strategy is nothing but a ploy allowing them to reject any ballot they want.  The vast number of people who have their ballots rejected are never even notified about it, let alone given a chance to contest this action.  This is a massive Republican vote rigging scheme, and needs to be seen for what it is.  Instead, most people are just writing it off as sour grapes, when in fact, at least in Florida and Arizona, this behavior has a strong possibility of stealing a governor's seat and two Senators.


bluzdude said…
I'd certainly like to know what constitutes a mismatch, who is making the determination, and what their qualifications are.

Like you, there is zero chance I could match a signature I signed what could be years ago. Or even from last week.
Jerry Critter said…
It is clearly a republican scheme to restrict voter rights. After all, it is only republicans doing it.

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