Has There Just Been a Coup?

A general takes over as chief of staff and immediately reacts by firing a guy who we know is Trump's alter ego, without a word of complaint from Trump. In the last couple of days we have seen Trump order the military around without authority in the LGBT matter, come within inches of starting a war with North Korea. drastically damage our standing in the world, risking further conflicts in which the military would pay the price, and license the police to effectively start a war of terror against our own people. Maybe that was a little bit too far for the military. Did Trump really appoint Kelly to his new post, or was it forced on a man who has now been revealed as a weak, sniveling President who knows nothing except how to make threats? Probably not, and if it is true, we may never see behind the curtain, with a suddenly controlled Trump still sitting in the Oval Office, pretending to make decisions, but with everything signed off on by the military, which would just wai...