Trump has made his repeated promise to deport 20,000,000 minorities and foreigners a central feature of his campaign. What does Trump intend to do with them? History provides the key. And what history? The history of Europe in the 1930s and 1940s, when another great power, seeking a cheap way to victimize a large part of its population to benefit the majority race, also started a program of mass "deportation" of minorities, in order to provide its majority race with more land, more money, more of everything, at the expense of the others. There was a word for this: lebensraum, or "living space," the notion that the majority race deserved what it craved so much that it justified any abuse of those considered to be lesser humans. Hitler proposed to "deport" Jews, Gypsies, Slavs and eventually all other non "Aryan" residents of the Third Reich. The Nazis soon discovered that deportation was impossible; it was too expensive for Germany, and oth...
After all, “stuff happens” an awful fucking lot in America, eh Jeb?
This shooter had a lot in common with the 15 year old who just executed a policeman in Australia
Just like the Sympathizing Australian PM
In point of fact it wasn’t a policeman but a civilian employee of the police, shot by a radicalised Muslim youth. Terrorism. Being the current understanding.
We haven’t, however, had a US-style mass shooting in 19 years. Not to say that it won’t happen again, it probably will, but that’s an entire generation who have grown up without one.
Maybe the parents of those American kids who never got to grow up would wish for a statistic like that, even as simple numbers are a little bit... well... ‘factual’ for the average gun fetishist to grasp.
And I don’t know what you’re talking about by “Sympathising Australian PM”, but then I suspect you know what you’re talking about either, so it probably doesn’t matter.