A Story So Laughable There Aren't Words To Sufficiently Mock It

Did you know that the third part of the grand Conservative movie trilogy of Atlas Shrugged is being released this weekend?  From Breitbart News:


For those of you waiting for the final chapter of the Atlas Shrugged trilogy, the wait ends today, Friday, when "Atlas Shrugged: Who Is John Galt?" lands in 254 theatres this weekend.  Box Office Mojo expects Shrugged fans to bring in a cool $1 million this weekend, which lines up with the openings of the previous chapters. Part 1 (2011) opened to 1.69 million. Part two (2012) bested that with $1.75 million."

"A cool $1 million this weekend!"  The mind boggles.

I've got nothing else to say.


Jerry Critter said…
Let's see. A million dollars for 254 theaters is about 4000 dollars per theater. If there are 10 showings over the weekend with an average ticket price of $10, we get about 40 people per showing.

Shouldn't have any trouble finding a good seat.
Green Eagle said…
Yeah, the very idea that they would try to pass off a gross of $1 million for the first weekend as a great victory...just how stupid do they think their readers are?
Magpie said…
I looked up the film series on Wikipedia – not the most distinguished source for anything, I grant, but I think probably a bit of over-research in this case.

The concluding quote is “The irony of Part II's mere existence is rich enough: The free market is a religion for Rand acolytes, and it emphatically rejected Part 1”
Grung_e_Gene said…
I tip my tam 'o shatter to ya. Now is that net or gross?
Jerry Critter said…
I'd say it is gross...in more ways than one. ;)
Anonymous said…
Yeah you prefer the Michael Moore or the Al Gore Hollywood propaganda
Green Eagle said…
I prefer movies by Michael Moore or Al Gore because they tell the truth.
Zog said…
"Yeah, the very idea that they would try to pass off a gross of $1 million for the first weekend as a great victory...just how stupid do they think their readers are?"

Based on the toxic effluvia from the mouths Glenn Beck (rhymes with wreck, of course) and Rush Limbaugh -- both of which I've heard when seeing my dear demented mother -- they must believe that their readers must have three-digit IQs.

In base 4.

(That comes out to between 16 and 63 in base 10.)

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