Crazy Like a Fox

Trump's behavior since Joe Biden withdrew from the Presidential race has certainly been, shall we say, erratic- a constant series of ever-escalating lunatic claims.  This has led many people to suggest that he is falling into deep senile dementia.  Now, I am the last person to claim that he is of sound mind; I believe him to be suffering from a very deep psychological disorder that could possibly justify being called psychosis.  I just think there is another explanation for his behavior the last couple of weeks.

Here is what I think is happening:  Trump may be stupid and delusional, but he has always had a deep streak of cunning when it comes to promoting his own welfare.  Trump knows that, essentially, every single person that is going to vote in November has already made up their mind about him, for better or for worse.  No amount of jackass behavior on his part can, at this point, affect anyone but an utterly insignificant number of voters.  However, there are lots of potential voters who don't know Kamala, or have not made up their minds about her.  Unfortunately (for him,) he realizes that the more people see her, the more they like her.  So his main tactic in the near future is to do anything he can to absorb the attention of the press, and prevent people from paying attention to her.

No matter how outrageous, how offensive his behavior is, it will not hurt him with his base.  But the sad truth is that the more unacceptably he behaves, the more the mainstream press is going to focus on nothing else, particularly Kamala's many good qualities.  In fact, the worse he behaves, the more good it may do him.  So you can expect his current malicious behavior to only grow worse, and to not hurt him one bit with his voters.  


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