Give Up on Joe and Lose

 I have spent decades depressed by the gutlessness of Democrats, but I am still stunned by the readiness of so many supposed liberals to turn their backs on Biden's incredible record as President and throw him to the wolves over a supposed bad debate performance, which means absolutely nothing.  Can Democrats really be stupid enough to believe that if Joe can be driven out of the race, Republicans will treat the next Democratic nominee with total fairness and run a campaign based on the issues?  Can there be a Democrat idiotic enough to think that the Republicans are not prepared to go to work on day one with the same pile of lies and smears against any possible Democratic nominee?  

I want to remind people of what happened in the 2016 election, when Republican dirty tricks and collusion with Russia cost Hillary the White House.  Here is an image I compiled at that time of the covers of tabloids from the 2016 election, showing the kind of treatment Hillary received.  And remember, these images stared at every single grocery shopper in America, day after day, week after week, throughout the entire election, with absolutely nothing from the other side.

This is the filth that is going to confront the American people, directed toward whoever the Democrats run in November, and no other Democrat will have Biden's outstanding record as President to run on.

Abandon Joe and lose, Democrats.  Deal with it.  You may still lose with Joe, but without him, you have thrown our country into the garbage.


One Fly said…
Agreed without question.

If Biden drops out they will be much worse with the other candidate and for sure they will lose.
bluzdude said…
Republicans only have one core strategy, no matter who they're running against: Lie, Smear, and Project. The names are interchangeable.

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