Our Senile President

"Trump on the debates: So, a little before debate time, he gets a shot in the ass. They want to strengthen him up. So he comes out. He'll come out. Okay. I say he'll come out all jacked up, right?"

I don't know if anybody even will see my blog any more, but I couldn't resist commenting on this idiocy.  According to Republicans, Joe Biden is deeply sunken into senile dementia, but before next week's debate, he will be given drugs to get him to seem normal for a couple hours.

I ask you to think about this.  There are, apparently, about seven million people suffering from Alzheimer's disease or other forms of senile dementia in the United States.  We have all heard stories about what a crushing tragedy it is for them and their families to go through this nightmare.

Well, apparently, drug companies have a simple injection that can snap a person right out of their dementia and make them perfectly normal for at least a couple of hours.  

Think what a blessing it would be for the families of these poor people, if they could be temporarily reunited with those that they have known and loved for a lifetime.  And if you are indifferent to their suffering, think how much money the pharmaceutical companies could make, with people willing to pay almost anything for that short blessed time with someone they are losing.  

But no, these greed-maddened corporations have decided not to profit on what would be one of the greatest pharmaceutical advances in the history of medicine, and reserve this treatment, apparently, for one person- the senile President of the United States, who, for some reason, the owners of these companies want to keep in power, despite the fact that they know from long history they will get far more benefit from a Republican in the White House.  That makes a lot of sense.

What a gigantic pile of crap every single thing Republicans claim to believe is.  And yet, with the press almost completely owned by Republicans, that pile keeps getting shoved down our throats over and over again.


Infidel753 said…
I've seen this claim (about Biden periodically getting some magic anti-senility shot) on several right-wing blogs. That obvious objection, that if such a shot existed it would be in widespread use for elderly people with dementia in general, doesn't seem to occur to them. But the claim that Biden is senile and mentally decrepit has become so entrenched among them that it now needs to be preserved and defended regardless of evidence or logic, like a religious dogma. To admit that it's untrue would be too fundamental of a retreat to stomach. I'm not surprised to see Trump himself now making the same claim, equally blind to its absurdity.
Green Eagle said…
Of course, as usual, Infidel, you are 100% right. I'm thinking of the scientists out there who have altruistically volunteered to give up a guaranteed Nobel Prize, in order to help a senile guy stay in the White House. Unfortunately, as you know, absurdity is a central feature of almost all of Trump's policies, so that will hardly stop them.

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