Gallery of AI Insanity- Part One: Fat Muslim Ladies on Scooters

I once lived in Israel (for a job, not out of any religious belief) and consequently I follow what is going on there pretty closely.  I get a lot of stuff about the Middle East online, from both sides of the conflict  Among this material, for some unknown reason, I have been bombarded lately with endless AI images of one sort and another on Facebook.  Many are political fabrications, many are intended humorously, but there are some others that have me totally puzzled.  I would like to show some of these images and ask if anyone out there can really explain them, other than as specimens of a culture steeped in some really hateful form of perversion, and totally out of control.  What I am going to post here is a tiny fraction of what you get if you make the mistake of hovering over any of them for more than a second.  The first group is of morbidly obese women in some sort of burkas, riding on motor scooters, usually carrying baskets of eggs.  Here they are:

Some contain other things than eggs.  Here is an example with cats:

Or one whose cargo seems to be piles of shiny gold bags:

I tell you, there seem to be hundreds of these AI generated images, with captions and comments indicating that people find the women very attractive.  What the hell is going on here?

Well, when I started collecting these images, I found another group of related ones, which all seemed to feature screaming children being attacked by bugs or snakes or the like, which the posters and commenters also found very cute:

Well, you've got me.  What the hell is this about?  Has half the world just gone mad?  Anyone who thinks they understand this, please help me out, because I am at a loss.

For my next installment: a collection of images from right wing America about things that never happened.  Don't think it's only over there that people have gone off the deep end.


Infidel753 said…
I haven't seen pictures like these exact ones, but there does seem to be an internet thing about "AI" imagery featuring hugely obese characters. Go on YouTube and look for "Turbodong2000" or "Sodaverse" and you'll see what I mean.

Some people are just weird. This kind of "art" gives them an outlet for it.
Green Eagle said…
Well, thanks, Infidel, I'll never be able to unsee that again. There is a difference, however. These two guys (I presume they are male) are creating these videos to deliberately be offensive. Perhaps a strange way to spend your life, but I guess a guy has to do what he has to do to get hits online. The people who are into the images I showed seem to be into degrading women and children, and particularly in the case of the child images, are into fantasizing about hurting and terrifying children. These things are repulsive because their creators are repulsive people. There just seems to be so much of it that I can't help but wonder how much this is motivated by a culture that degrades women and treats them as subhuman pieces of property.

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