The Supremes

No, not those Supremes- the other ones.  

I want to tell you what infuriates me about the coverage of our current Supreme Court problem, even most of the left-leaning coverage.  

I hear endless talk about how the Supreme Court is dysfunctional, how it needs to be reformed.  This is absolutely wrong, because the problem is not with the Supreme Court, but with the Republican party, which has conspired for half a century to pack the court with corrupt Justices.  There would be nothing wrong with the Supreme Court if the people placed on it had the slightest commitment to the rule of law, but the six Justices that have been appointed by Republican Presidents do not.  No reform in the operation of the court can root out these criminals, or prevent the Republican party from replacing them with equally malignant characters.

Consider what we have going on there now.  At the present time, five of the six Republican Justices have been implicated in suspicious financial transactions with people with business before the court.  We may never "know" the truth because these figures have so much power to hide their criminality, but in the end we all do know the truth.  Five of the six Republican Justices have clearly taken bribes from people who are interested in subverting justice in this country.  By contrast, none of the three remaining Democratic Justices has done any such thing.  What we have here is not a defect of the court, it is a defect in one of our political parties.  No change in the working of the court will correct the problem; increasing the size of the court will ony give the Republicans a chance to cram through even more corrupt Justices, as they have done with these six. The only real answer is to crush the Republican party out of existence, because at this point it is irredeemably unqualified to serve the country.

And let us note that two things are going on here.  The struggles on the court are almost all portrayed as differences between two ideological camps.  This is false.  The real difference is between three honest Justices and six corrupt ones.  Yes, the corrupt Justices make decisions that pander to the belligerent ignorance of the right; we all know that, with the possible exception of the mentally deficient loon Amy Cony Barrett, none of them gives a damn about gay marriage or even abortion.  We all know that no Republican leader really cares about issues like that; they only make such rulings to keep the suckers on board.  The real job of these six criminals is what the real job of every Republican is- to transfer the wealth of the country to their rich backers.  Thus, every malicious act that favors the rich and hurts the rest of us- Citizens United, the recent destruction of student loan forgiveness, and an endless series of other actions that benefit the rich, are almost ignored behind the smokescreen of their piggish interference in cultural issues.  And this is the real issue: let me repeat, not liberal versus conservative, but honest versus corrupt.  And the Republican party has obliged its sociopathic billionaire backers here as everywhere else, in thwarting every attempt to use the government for good purposes.  Altering the court will never cure this problem, only seeing to it that this open criminality is not tolerated.  These Republican Justices belong in prison.  That would be unprecedented, but only because their open corruption is unprecedented.  I have little hope that Democrats can find the courage that is needed for this cleansing, which is depressing because uncured, it will only get worse, until we have little more in the way of a judicial system than they had in Nazi Germany, or they have in Putin's Russia.


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