Republican Presidential Race Moves Into High Gear

 I saw the following campaign promise from Donald Trump yesterday, and it encouraged me to write a little about something I have said before, but as we are forced once again into a two year obsession with the next Presidential election, is worth repeating.  I think that any American a decade ago would be appalled by this kind of talk from an ex-President, but no more:

"The former president, if re-elected, is still committed to expanding the use of the federal death penalty and bringing back banned methods of execution, the sources say. He has even, one of the sources recounts, mused about televising footage of executions, including showing condemned prisoners in the final moments of their lives.

Specifically, Trump has talked about bringing back death by firing squad, by hanging, and, according to two of the sources, possibly even by guillotine. He has also, sources say, discussed group executions...Trump privately mused about the possibility of creating a flashy, government-backed video-ad campaign that would accompany a federal revival of these execution methods. In Trump’s vision, these videos would include footage from these new executions..."

And this leads me to comment on something that every Conservative knows in his heart, but that virtually every liberal still shies away from admitting.  Our country has operated, in the  nearly two and a half centuries of its existence, on the principle of majority rule.  Unfortunately, white supremacists, and by that, I mean not just swastika flaunting proud boy nutjobs but every white person who has internalized the belief that only white people have a right to rule in this country, know that our population has reached a tipping point, and there are not enough people left who believe that only white people have a right to rule, to win elections any more.  They know that only a leader that is willing to savage everything this country is supposed to stand for can insure their retention of power.  That is to say, only a morally bankrupt person can promise them that he will do what it takes to keep their hands on the levers of government.

The result of this is that we are now in a Republican contest, not to find the most qualified to govern, but to identify the person who is most willing to savage our basic principles; i.e. the most evil leader they can find.  And at present, we seem to have a race between two Republicans who are intent on revealing themselves to their base to be the most degenerate candidate that can possibly be found, and therefore the most likely to give them what they demand.  

White people know that the time has come where only degraded criminals can do what is necessary to keep them in power, and that is all the Republican race for the Presidential nomination is going to be about.  


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