I want to suggest a newly discovered mental defect to be included in psychiatric texts in the future:  BDKS, or Billionaires' Dunning Kruger Syndrome, an easily identifiable condition where having, say being born to parents who owned an emerald mine, or into a family rich with the profits from whorehouses and slum apartments, causes someone to think that they know more about everything than anyone else on earth.  Really, in terms of the damage caused by mental illness, I can hardly think of any disorder that results in more damage these days.


Infidel753 said…
Growing up in unearned luxury surrounded by toadies does seem to produce narcissists. Perhaps that's not surprising. Rich parents have a responsibility to raise their kids so that this doesn't happen -- do they really want them to grow up to be dangerous, ridiculous assholes? On the other hand, Fred Trump was probably an even worse asshole than Donald, if less delusional. Maybe there's no solution.
Poll P. said…
This ties in nicely with the current preoccupation with "Nepo Babies."
joseph said…
It's something like the halo effect. What's worse is that some people believe that people who have been born on third base are somehow smarter than the rest of us.
VoenixRising said…
I hope Baron Trump avoids this, but based on his family dymanic, I find it unlikely. More Trump madness for the next geneation.
Green Eagle said…
Voenix, I know this is a touchy subject, but in case you never noticed, Baron Trump never once spoke in the presence of the press during Trump's entire term in office. When you watched him on camera, he never made eye contact with anyone, but instead stared vacantly off into space. I think it is clear that he is severely autistic. The press deserves some credit for leaving him in peace during Trump's Presidency, but I think that the likelihood of him becoming a political force in the future is pretty limited. I hardly need to note that if he had been the child of a Democratic President, he would have been subject to endless abuse from the right wing press, which is currently in a fury over Biden's efforts to prevent pictures of his son's penis from being distributed in public.

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