A Short Note

 Green Eagle has totally tuned out regarding anything having to do with the Supreme Court decision.  I can't imagine that there will be a single person who has anything to say about this abomination on either side that is not one hundred percent predictable.  This has been coming for decades now, and any Democrat who has pretended differently all this time was lying to themselves, just like they have lied to themselves about the Republican party being anything but a criminal, fascist cult determined to destroy multiparty rule.  


Burr Deming said…
I dunno. Let's give it a try.

Analysts keep telling us the prospective decision attacks the 14th Amendment. It doesn't.

My wife and I met and got married a little more than 20 years ago. If we had married here as teenagers, the marriage would have been annulled and we both would have been put in prison for violating Missouri Criminal Code Section 563.240 specifically outlawing interracial marriage.

That law was overturned as violating the 9th Amendment, which says rights not mentioned in the Constitution are protected by the Constitution. The 14th Amendment simply applies that protection to state, as well as federal, laws.

The new prospective decision attacks the 9th Amendment. It says that protection, the protection that allows us to stay married, only applies to rights "deeply rooted in this Nation’s history and tradition".

That means the 9th Amendment no longer means what it says.

That is why conservatives can now attack other rights in addition to abortion decisions, rights that may not have been "deeply rooted" at the time. Like gay rights, same sex marriage, birth control.

And interracial marriage.

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