Wingnut Wrapup

Yeah, time for another load of this crap. I just want to reiterate that the right wing messaging has been so controlled by the fat Orange loser that it has become really repetitive. It's harder than it used to be to find new insanity to report, but Green Eagle is on the job. Now, to the "news!" Bruce Deitrick Price, American Thinker: "Normal, Healthy People Don't Want To Be Dictators" Exhibit one: But no, Bruce is talking about Joe Biden. He wants to be a dictator just like Obama before him, and quite unlike the selfless servant of the American people who served in between. Shari Raye Update: "Operation Trojan Seal!!!!!!! 454 Congress Arrested in Jan/Feb but MSM refused to tell Americans!" God, that only leaves only 81 left. That's hardly enough to get MSNBC through the weekend. "Israel Did It! - The Real Origins Of The "China" Virus. (Hint: It's The Jewish Virus My Friends)" Because of course it is. Shot down t...