Nothing to See Here...Except Treason and Four Years of Lies

 But it's just another boring news day if a Republican does it- nothing to get excited about.

From Yesterday's Washington Post:

"The government finally connects the line from Trump’s campaign to Russian intelligence

So much for the ‘Russia hoax’ hoax...

(Constantine) Kilimnik, who was indicted by Mueller’s team, sat at the center of one of the more obvious places where the campaign of then-candidate Donald Trump might have intersected with Russia’s efforts to get Trump elected. Kilimnik had worked with Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort for years before Manafort joined the campaign effort despite (or perhaps because of) his sketchy connections to Russia. One of Manafort’s primary clients in the years before his volunteering to work for Trump without pay was a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine. Their mutual colleague Rick Gates told various people that he believed Kilimnik was a “spy,” according to Mueller’s report, but that didn’t keep the three from sharing information during the campaign — while both Gates and Manafort worked directly for Trump...

Trump hires Manafort to run his campaign. Manafort then orders Gates, his deputy, to provide polling and strategy information to Kilimnik, their longtime colleague and, according to the Senate committee, a Russian intelligence officer. Kilimnik then shares that information with Russian intelligence agents.

Two days before Christmas last year, Trump, by then a lame duck, granted Manafort a pardon."

Well, in some sense this is not news, since anyone with half a brain knew it was going on.  So no wonder that, while the story of some scum politician's perverted sex life lasts for months, this revelation has already disappeared from the pages of the Post, and I'm guessing, just about everywhere else in the mainstream press.  

Still, you can count on Green Eagle to harp on the subject.  First, let me start with another quote:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

If providing material assistance to the spy agency of a hostile foreign power, for the purpose of allowing them to rig our Presidential elections does not fit this description, then virtually nothing could.*  To be blunt, Donald Trump and his henchmen committed treason in order to win the Presidency.  And as I said above, this is hardly news; we have known it for years.  

Second, the endless Republican screams of "no collusion," whose deafening repetition have convinced a large part of the American people, were never anything but lies, as the truth was right in front of everyone's face all along.

And finally, I wish to reiterate something about the sainted Robert Mueller, which I was virtually alone in saying at the time that his report was released.  One of Green Eagle's primary principles of politics is that there is absolutely no such thing as an honest Republican.  And that includes Mueller, who pulled off the amazing feat of aiding Trump to escape the consequences of his crime, while coming out with an intact reputation.  He did this by a simple strategy: he spent months in a seemingly impeccable investigation of the circumstances of Trump's treachery, and then just refused to draw the obvious conclusions from the evidence, even in the face of massive lying from Attorney General Barr and Trump himself.  

So, the Republicans will go on screaming "no collusion," even in the face of all the evidence, from now until the day their inaction on climate change exterminates the human race.

* And don't even get me going about the ludicrous Republican claim that there has to be a declared state of war before someone can commit treason.  I have written at some length about this distortion of the historical record, so if you are interested, you can go here. 



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