Wingnut Wrapup

Yeah, it's time for another dip in the right wing sewer. I want to start by mentioning a view I heard in a right wing video today which I have never heard before, but I believe should receive every bit as much consideration as it deserves. The person in this video states that Biden has not been confirmed as the President elect, and so in announcing some of his cabinet picks, he is attempting to usurp the power of the existing President, which is an act of treason, for which Biden should be executed. Even Sidney Powell didn't think of that argument. Anyway, on with the rest of the garbage, or at least the small fraction of it I could take. However, first, this: Nothing I could ever say could be as funny as this photo. How did they get this idiot to sit for this "press conference?" My guess is that they told him that the small desk would make him look bigger, and he fell for it. And on we go: Cortney O'Brien, Town Hall: "Sidney Powell ...