
Well, I never bothered to write a post about this because it seemed so obvious to me, but I have firmly believed since Jeffrey Epstein was arrested that he had only a very short time to live.

Let's cut to the chase here:  this egomaniacal, evil billionaire has escaped the law over and over again, and there was no reason to believe that he wouldn't do it this time too.  Any person with half a brain knows he was killed, and we know who had him killed.

It's a funny country we live in, where Republicans are allowed to spend years and God knows how many tens of millions of dollars spreading the lie that Hillary, and in fact all Democratic leaders, are participants in a gigantic Satanic pedophile sex murder cult, while Democrats are not allowed to make the clearest assertions about Republican treachery without a signed confession witnessed by God and the lord Jesus.  Well, to hell with that attitude, which is just another way of rolling over and playing dead.  We all know that Trump had this guy killed, and we know why too: he had the goods on Trump, i.e. for those of you too mentally deficient to put two and two together, that Epstein could have implicated Trump himself in child rape.

Consciousness of guilt- that is what we have here.  Our President's own behavior indicts him in the most horrible of crimes.  And now, the odds are overwhelming that Trump will be able to cover up this whole monstrous scandal.

The President has now stooped to murder to protect himself from accountability for his crimes.  Add this to the concentration camps and torture and hatemongering and corrupt dealing that are daily features of this administration, and what do you have?  A country 80% along the path to dictatorship, with 40% of the populace knowing damned well where this is leading, and still cheering it on.

We all know that because of demographics, the Republicans only have a few more years of election rigging to hang on to power, and then they are essentially going to vanish from the earth.  The question now is only whether there will be anything of our country left to save a few years from now, other than a place where any decent people left will have to cower in fear at the roaming bands of armed white savages who want to punish the whole world rather than accept a shred of responsibility for their empty, meaningless lives.

And the President can now kill anyone who stands in his way.  Welcome to America.

Update:  This news from 8-15:

"NEW YORK (Reuters) - An autopsy of the financier Jeffrey Epstein, who died in an apparent suicide while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges, found his neck had been broken in several places, according to two law enforcement sources."

Though this can happen through hanging, it is far more common an injury in strangulation.  Just saying, for anyone out there who think I am going way over the edge in stating what should be obvious to anyone.


Anonymous said…
Why do I believe Barr was also involved?
Green Eagle said…
If he wasn't, it was only because he slept through it. Who would ever have thought that we could have a worse Attorney General than John Mitchell and Alberto Gonzales?
One Fly said…
That's pretty much the first thing that came to mind. It's just not trumper but the Right as a whole. They can't win playing fair. To do so they lie, cheat and steal and if that don't work they'll kill ya!
One Fly said…
and he very well may NOT be dead

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