Wingnut Wrapup

Well, it's been a long time since Green Eagle has cranked out a Wingnut Wrapup. With the 2020 election season rapidly descending on us like a flock of whippoorwills in Dunwich, Massachusetts, however, I thought it was about time to check in on the wingnuts to see if they are still holding up their end of the deal, where they wreck America and we are left to fix it. Today's Wingnut Wrapup is dedicated to our President, who recently had this to say: "Article II [of the Constitution] allows me to do whatever I want." Thus demonstrating as complete a lack of knowledge of the American system of government as a mentally deficient three year old from Rwanda. Anyway, on we go: John C. Goodman, Town Hall: "The Anti-Science Party" Turns out that it's the Democrats. And why? Because some Democrats believe that everyone who works in this country could earn a living wage if the rich weren't so God damned greedy. That's not science, it's....