How Does He Do It?

The latest voluntary political self-sacrifice

There is an ability that Donald Trump has that continues to astonish me.  That is his skill at getting people to destroy their reputations and their future credibility to provide him with the most temporary of escapes from his self-generated troubles.

Okay, I can understand how a public nobody like Kirsten Nielsen or Wilbur Ross will, when they have the highest position of their lives dangled in front of them, tell themselves that they are clever enough to escape the fate of all their predecessors in the Trump administration, and give the job a try.  But William Barr was already the Attorney General, however disgracefully he acted in that position, and he emerged pretty much unscathed.  He could go on to an honorary retirement on the basis of that.  What is it about Trump that could have led Barr to voluntarily offer himself up as a self-sacrifice, permanently dishonored within a month of taking office?  Barr must have seen what the result of his mendacious behavior would be, but he did it anyway.  Even Hitler had to have the threat of imprisonment or death to compel many people to follow him. How does Trump do it?  I just can't figure it out.


Isaac said…
If you look at it, there is not one single person in Dolt 45's retinue that has any real strength of character in any discernible way. He somehow seems to know how to spot that character defect and work it. One would need to have a serious character flaw to have anything to do with that orange tub of lard.

Anonymous said…
I think it is a moral issue or possibly a sexual one. Trump finds morally weak men who desire something but have some fear of taking it themselves so he gives them "permission". Or it could be the same motivation that draws powerful men to dominators. Trump must have a method of assessing these types but in the case of Barr this guy was already corrupted and referred himself for the job, making it easy. Washington Republicans are a perfect pool of potential "Fausts".
PS- the Big Green Bird is the only news source that saw how morally abject the Republican Party has become. I think they'll support anything Trump will do.
ez said…
I look at Barr in pictures and I see a broken, dissolute Luke Skywalker staring up from those glasses.Trump didn't recruit him, he sold himself...for the second time.
curt said…
Today the NYT addressed this issue

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