Wingnut Wrapup

A disastrous week so far for our traitor in chief. Let's look in on how the wingnuts are trying to lie all of this away. Let's just start out with this headline from the Washington Post: "Trump renews attacks on Mueller, asks whether probe will ‘just go on forever’ It will if you keep committing crimes forever, bucko. And the typo of the month, from the Wall Street Journal: “Vladimir Putin is president of Russia. An editing mistake erroneously identified him as Vladimir Trump in an earlier version of this article.” At this point, it might have been more accurate to say that Putin is the President of the United States. Now, back to our usual programming: Guy Benson, Town Hall: "Analysis: What Does Cohen's New Guilty Plea Mean? We Have No Idea." No idea at all. I mean, it's just a mystery...Maybe he is part of Trump's treason, maybe he was just joking. I mean, either one could be true, right? "Let me just add that if t...