Green Eagle Joins With Marjorie Taylor Greene

Green Eagle's new BFF, with (apparently) a close relative Coming together to solve the nation's problems! We've all heard Marjorie's latest rants about dissolving the United States into Red and Blue States; i.e. Confederate secession 2023 style. Of course, we know perfectly well that this ignorant jackass will say anything to keep her rapidly aging* face in the news, so we shouldn't believe she means a thing she says, but assuming that she is serious, what should we be doing about this? Here is my suggestion: Green Eagle is going to appeal to his Senators and Congress person (a character by the name of Adam Schiff, whom you may have heard of) to introduce legislation to require that, for say the next ten years, every State in the union receive exactly as much back from the Federal government as it pays in taxes. Then each State can spend its own residents' money in the manner they feel is appropriate. That seems fair, right? And this eminently sensibl...